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Ending? (spoiler, I hope)

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2002 3:22 pm
by raphjd
Did I miss something?

I won the final battle and Orrick told me to get out.

Well, my cleric was invisible or what ever and his stuff was on the floor as if he died, BUT I could talk to him.

And I can't go down stairs to get out.

What do I do?! Or is this some sort of boring, lame ending?

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2002 10:11 pm
by Gwendri
Well I know that in the end Orrick warns you that The Severed Hand is crumbling and to get out. But I've never been stopped from going downstairs. What does it say when you try to leave? Like you must gather your party? Or something else?

Sounds like a problem with your cleric to me. Have you saved the game recently? Might have to reload and try again.

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2002 10:56 pm
by raphjd
I t doesn't say anything, when I try to click on the stairs, NOTHING.

I do get, you must gather your party if I mover to far from "Rankin", my cleric.

I have a save just before the BIG FIGHT, so I'll try again from there.

SO, is there more after the fight?