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Tell me if you have been here **spoiler**

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2002 4:19 pm
by rnrules
Okay here it is in ebonhart, imperial commission: (scroll down Beware: Spoiler)

Okay so I'm going around in this imperial commisions place and open a door with a lock level of 90. I go into what looks like an imperial cult altar. So I look on my map and I see a door but I don't see a door so I go up to a wall and it says "hidden door" and the lock level is 95. It looks cool when it opens and when it does it goes into a little hallway that has another door that leads to some caves. Right now I'm thinking oh sweet! I know I'm gonna find something cool! While I'm exploring this guy in a funky outfit comes up to me and babbles a bit before he tries to turn me into a pincushion. So after I dispatch him I take a look at his stuff! I look and he's wearing armor worth 190,000 gold and it looks similar to the Dragonbone. It also has the same armor rating but the magic effects are kind of lame. It's called Lord's Mail. I was just wondering if anybody else had found this really cool place. There is also an underwater entrance somewhere around ebonhart. Which might be a better Idea if you can't pick high level locks. Well somebody tell me if they've been to this place!

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2002 4:28 pm
by Kameleon's the other unique heavy cuirass in the game, and a helluva lot easier to get than Dragonbone, 10lb lighter and more valuable (for god knows what reason, you can't beat Vivec without...I mean you can't beat Dragonbone for sticking it to Vivec :p ) It's a pretty well-known location, I usually high-tail it to there after I've gotten Goldbrand and Orvas Dren's shelfstock ;) It's far far easier to get in through the underwater entrance. Oh, and killing Mr. POed is part of an Imperial Legion quest, but you can kill him first and still complete the quest.

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2002 4:46 pm
by rnrules
hmmm cool. Do you know what the "rusty old key" in one of the crates is for? There was one chest, but it didn't unlock when I used it...

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2002 5:20 pm
by Kameleon
Originally posted by rnrules
hmmm cool. Do you know what the "rusty old key" in one of the crates is for? There was one chest, but it didn't unlock when I used it...
Hmm, I don't remember finding a key this last time, but I think it's for one of the doors you'd already unlocked...the hidden one most likely.