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Help !!

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2002 3:20 pm
by safdv_22
Would anyone happen to know how to restore a save after i had already saved 2 or 3 times after it.....i need to somehow go back 2 or 3 autosaves to a point before i messed up an enchantment

or if anyone knows how to un-do enchantments....plz reply

....I just read some intersting things in a topic below about using commands in the consoule....could i just replace the ebonyshortsword and the daedric club that i messed up my enchantments on and get 2 new of the same weapons ?

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2002 4:32 pm
by safdv_22
yes i guess your's just i have a hard time finding good soul gems and i wish i knew a couple good spots to find them.....(i used the one greater soul gem i think it was...from the enchanter in balmora...cant seem to find any as good as that was)

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2002 6:33 pm
by free_fall
God, I must be the world's worst in erring on the side of caution when it comes to saving my game - 700+ in my current game and I'm just now starting the MQ. (Once I amass about 125, I go into Explorer and delete the first 100 of them, saving only special ones like the one before joining House Redoran, in case if I want to go back and try Hlaalu, I don't have to go thru the Mage's guild yet again.)

My advice:

Never, ever, ever overwrite a prior save - they're easy enough to delete later to free up space on your HD

Like UncleS says, save before enchanting

Save before talking to people you come across in the countryside, because they're gonna give you a quest. Listen to them and, if you decide you don't want it, reload and avoid talking to them. I don't know if it negatively affects your reputation to turn a deaf ear to a plea for help but it certainly looks bad in your journal - "Man asked me to rescue his kidnapped wife. Told him I couldn't be bothered."

Save before sleeping to level up and after leveling up

Save before entering a shrine

After clearing out the people in the shrine, save before picking up the item that triggers the Dremora Lord. Since the weapon he drops is randomized, keep killing him over and over again until he gives you what you want. Save whenever he drops anything interesting (but not what you're looking for) - if he refuses to give up, say, that Daedric Shortsword even after killing him 50 or 60 times, you can choose a nice consolation prize. (BTW, this also seems to work on the Dremora you meet on the stairs leading down into the main shrine room, which is why I suggest saving before entering, but that is much more time-consuming.)

It's a good idea, when returning from a quest, to save before talking to the person who gave it to you. I once spent a hour backtracking to look for something I figured I must have missed when I merely hadn't chosen the correct dialog option. If you have the quest item and your journal isn't updating while talking to the person, try other dialog choices.

And, like Scratchy says, don't sweat it if you mess up an enchantment - you'll eventually find plenty of Grand Soul Gems and Golden Saints to go in them and have the 75000GP for that constant effect Strength +30 tower shield.

Check all the bandit caves along the coast all the way from Seyda Neen to Gnissis - you should come up with a few GSGs.

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2002 6:41 pm
by Rahvin
700? yeesh! I have about 10, eacha different char that i quit playing. I always just write over old ones...

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 2:11 am
by Loredweller
Originally posted by safdv_22
....could i just replace the ebonyshortsword and the daedric club that i messed up my enchantments on and get 2 new of the same weapons ?
Of course you can. Not if you can replace (i do not know if there's ever a command to remove an item), but you definitely can add some. You just have to hit `-key (left onf the 1-key) and type in the console window
player->AddItem "<your item id>" <number of them> and hit Enter. Then hit ` once more to close console window.
For example
player->AddItem "ebony shortsword" 1
player->AddItem "extravagant_ring_01" 3
You should know the exact internal name of the item class (or item itself in case if it's unique), though.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 4:21 am
by free_fall
Rahvin - I said I was overly cautious. Now that I'm so strong and tough that I don't really have to worry about getting killed, I can probably cut way back now that I think about it.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 6:12 am
by Kameleon
For a list of all the grand soul gems in the game, go to Destination: Morrowind. :)