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twin lamps

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 1:54 pm
by Masheene
Every time I talk to a slave and ask about the twin lamps, they say some gibberish that doesn't make any sense.

What the heck are the twin lamps, some kind of slave's guild?

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 2:42 pm
by Tybaltus
Highlight for spoiler:
Well it isnt REALLY a guild, but then it is. You can do stuff that is beneficial for slaves, and there is a leader, but it doesnt go on your record. If you want to read about this leader and where to find her, highlight the next paragraph
Further spoilers-highlight:
You can find her in one of those ground floor apartments outside either St. Delyn or the other St. Plaza (ACH! My memory is fading me, I cant believe it! :( :eek: ) But you can only do twin lamp quests if a slave gives you the password phrase in the game. If you say that phrase to this leader of the twin lamps, she'll give you quests. The leader is the Dukes daughter and does business with House Hlaalu aswell, but if you are not a part of House Hlaalu, you can still do stuff for the twin lamps

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 3:09 pm
by Kameleon
Err...Tybs, you sure about that? The only result I know of for freeing slaves is below...

Jobasha in her (his? These Khajiit all look the same to me :p ) Rare Bookshop in Vivec, Foreign Quarter will give you three skill books if you free over 30 slaves...

I know of no other quests/rewards that come from the twin lamps or freeing slaves.

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 5:47 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Kameleon
Err...Tybs, you sure about that? The only result I know of for freeing slaves is below...

Jobasha in her (his? These Khajiit all look the same to me :p ) Rare Bookshop in Vivec, Foreign Quarter will give you three skill books if you free over 30 slaves...

I know of no other quests/rewards that come from the twin lamps or freeing slaves.
Yes thats one I forgot to mention. But, yes. I am positive my information up there is correct.

Dont know if it had anything to do with the fact I was also an argonian, but I doubt it.

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2002 1:15 am
by Masheene
Thanks, I've been an abolitionist from the start of the game.

I didn't really think it would get me anything, though. :)