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Methods for FAST traveling (some item spoilers)

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2002 5:49 pm
by rnrules
Okay I have a few methods for fast traveling, most of them benefit the mage class the most, but still work very well for everyone. These are primarily for mid to high level characters.

Ultimate Speed: For a character not weak to magika.
Items to gather:

Blinding boots of speed
Savior's Hide

Exquisite Amulet:

Cast When Used:
Levitation: Self
Magnitude: 32-32
Duration: 25 Seconds

Make sure to use a grand soul gem with either a Golden Saint or Ascended Sleeper for a maximum charge.

Now, equip all the items and cast the amulet, and fly up, up, and away.

Notes on this method: You may use whatever you want for the levitation, there are some better items you could use, but the amulet has pretty easy access. You still go blistering fast even with a pretty low levitation spell. Best for races who resist magika, because it's easier to see.

Depending on your variations of this method, your speed, enchant skill, levitation spell, you should be able to span the island of morrowind. I have done it before in less than ten minutes.

Ultimate Jump: For a light-weight character or a character with lots of strength and good at acrobatics.

Either a spell or an amulet:

Jump: Self
Magnitude: 50-50 (Depending on how much charge you have in your item or how much magika you have you should modify this)
Duration: 4 seconds
Slowfall: Self
Magnitude: 1-2
Duration: 10

Notes on this method: Remember your speed is always important so the Boots of Blinding Speed work well here too. If you want more weight off you, try some feather potions, spells, more enchanted items, or you could find the Redas Robe of Deeds.

Make up your own method!
These combined together are usually successful:
  • Lots of speed
  • Someway to leave the ground, so you can get over obstacles
  • Anything to make you lighter
Alright, I think that is all I have to say, to find any of those items in red, visit this site:

Morrowind v.NX

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2002 5:59 pm
by Kameleon
You should read some of UserUnfriendly's old topics in this forum...being the master of cheese that he was, and because he put a lot of work into finding just how far you could get in one jump (I think he said he could span the length of Vvardenfell in 6) :p

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2002 6:06 pm
by rnrules
Rofl, Imagine a villager just minding his own business, when a guy with nearly nothing on goes streaking past him overhead.

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2002 6:13 pm
by Kameleon
"Hello, Mr. Vivec sir, just thought I'd drop in for a spot of tea." :D

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2002 7:45 pm
by cjdevito
I confess, while I'd never recommend it for a first-time play through, I use the Ring of Teleportation mod myself. 65 teleport locations is pretty much the pinnacle of fast travel :)

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 7:37 pm
by free_fall
cj -

I love that Ring! Yet, this time through, I've been feeling a little guilty about leaving Vaardenfell littered with the bodies of poor Teleportation Master (though he doesn't seem to mind sacrificing himself for my travel convenience). So I've been refering to the Book of Secrets travel guide and making use of the more conventional forms of travel where possible this time around.

And, just yesterday, I finally had the sense to create a CE Levitation ring, which has already proven most useful. At magnitude 8, it's not terrifically fast yet I move along at a fairly decent clip. Why didn't I do this sooner?!!

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 7:58 pm
by rnrules
With my new cheesy potions I have been able to get 1000 point levitation. :rolleyes: I can make it across morrowind in less than a minute. I'm sure it would be down to more like 15 seconds if not for the load time (but traveling really high cuts that down) When I have my weapon out, I'm streaking so fast it vibrates (in 1st person). Xbox is probably best for this extreme way of traveling, cause it doesn't have a lot of junk on it like my comp, and it has a decent processor. Alrighty

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 10:12 am
by Mr Sleep
I did occasionally use The Boots of Speed that have -100 sight, I basically used the minimap to navigate twice as fast, I usually ended up with about 5 cliff racers to kill when I stopped though.