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Master of Orion III: a forum?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2002 6:49 pm
by fable
If we're adding action games with a little RPG flavoring like the Diablo series and Warcraft, can we add a strategy game with some strong RPG flavoring? Master of Orion III is due to release later this month. MOO II had an enormous following, and from everything that's been said about MOO III (through previews, beta-testers, etc) this game looks like it's going to be a big hit. Personally, I'd love to ask other players up here for hints on how to play the Nommo when the Ithkul are your neighbors in the next star over, or what approach to use on the Trilarians in diplomacy. :)

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 10:47 pm
by BuckGB
I know a lot of people don't consider the Diablo games to be true RPGs, but I feel they fit in to our selection of games fairly well. I've never actually played the Master of Orion games, but from what I've read, they're of the strategy genre. I've considered moving GameBanshee in the strategy direction in the past, covering games like Age of Empires, Age of Mythology, etc, but have decided against it for various reasons.

Even though there are a few of us contributing to the content on GameBanshee now, we still don't have the manpower to cover all of the RPGs that are being developed. Because of this, I'm probably going to keep GameBanshee focused on RPGs only for the time being.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 12:00 am
by Aegis
Sliding the topic along somewhat, would you consider adding a RTS aspect of the Gamebanshee, if you had people will to do some work for you?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 12:36 am
by fable
@Aegis, if he won't do it for a turn-based strategy game, I don't think he'll do it for realtime strategy. But if you want to doubletime him with me, maybe we can whine sufficiently to get him to give in. :D I know some GB people who would gladly mod MOO III it, too.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 1:14 am
by Aegis
I'm not talking about modding a forum, I'm actually saying if he had some people interested in providing the game walkthroughs, information, stats and so forth on some RTS and TBS games, would he add them to Gamebanshee.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 2:16 am
by fable
Interesting point. It might be hard to do walkthroughs of the turn-based ones, since they have no plot per se (unlike RTS games), but I know several people who would probably contribute to strategy guides for the various very different races.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 2:32 am
by KidD01
well I kinda tempted with Aegis & fable suggestions, yet I dunno if this will burden more bandwidth of the site. But if Buck plans to expand the site into some RTS & TBS games I'll be glad to contribute some strategies and others :)

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 4:49 am
by Minerva
How about a forum/section for RTS/TBS (or both together), instead of creating multiple forum for each games? For example, one "Tactics 101 for Strategy Games" section, have a volunteer or two to copile strategy & hint (just like Gruntboy's in IWD forum), according to Buck's choice of games (surely, you must be too busy to play so many games yourself, Buck?), and a forum for the Strategy Games where we can ask questions, regardless they are covered in the strategy section.

Just a thought.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 4:34 pm
by BuckGB
The issue isn't bandwidth, but instead the time constraints that I have. I'm worried that if we spread ourselves too thin, some of the games we add to the site won't be covered as well as I'd like. Just the initial setup of a new site on GameBanshee takes a lot of time, much less covering content and news for the game.

Since forums don't require much support, we could maybe add some forums for strategy games as well... but without coverage for the games on GameBanshee, how many fans would show up to post in our forums about them? Typically, the fansites with the most content usually have a consistent surge of forum members interested in the game as well.

I'd like to hear how more people feel about expanding GameBanshee's coverage to more than just RPGs, so please continue to post your comments. Just keep in mind that only a few people work on GameBanshee, and we already cover 18 games.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 6:01 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Buck Satan
I'd like to hear how more people feel about expanding GameBanshee's coverage to more than just RPGs, so please continue to post your comments. Just keep in mind that only a few people work on GameBanshee, and we already cover 18 games.
OK. Well if the strategy game sections would depreciate what has made Gamebanshee the best place to find gaming info, then Id say forget it. Gamebanshee is the most impressive site that Ive been to because it focuses very well on the games that are represented, and if it wasnt covered the way it was when I found Gamebanshee, I might not have stayed. But I became a daily visitor, because it was like a strategy guide online and more. And as I browse through the site today, I see the same quality. So Im going to use a cliche, if no one minds: "Its better to have quality then quantity".

But if the strategy section shows no signs that it would depreciate the quality, then, sure. Why not.

But just establishing the quality is the most important thing.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 7:27 pm
by CtrlAltDel
I just hope the game comes out sometime.
All we ever read about it nowadays is how its being delayed again :D

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 7:53 pm
by fable
It will, @CtrlAtlDel. I suspect it will go gold in the next few days. But we should probably discuss this down in SYM, rather than up here. ;)

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 9:53 am
by cjdevito
Since forums don't require much support, we could maybe add some forums for strategy games as well... but without coverage for the games on GameBanshee, how many fans would show up to post in our forums about them?

If you were to, say, create a MOO3 forum (with or without any additional content on GB related to the game) what would happen, I think, would be that those GB regulars who play the game would post there. Some outside people might wander in, or they might not, but the regulars would use it.

I've been around here for about a year now. Starting on the Morrowind forums, then moving to NWN, IWDII and Divine Divinity as these games were released. Many of the familiar faces from Morrowind were with me all along through these different games, which drives home to me that we are a community of gamers. Generally a pretty good one, too :)

I look at Divine Divinity. When the game came out in the US and a board was set up here for it, literally the only two people who played the game and posted about it for the first month or so were me and Fable. Yeah, it was just the two of us, but we helped each other out a lot with the game and posted a ton of good information that was available for everyone that came to that board after us.

I would imagine it would be the same with any game that at least a few of the regular posters are occupied with, whether or not there's actually a section of web content available on that game on GB or not.

A MOO3 forum here might not attract outside posters, but it would let those of us here who are interested in it participate here, with each other, rather then having to go (shudder) do so on the official IG/QS boards.