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Hiding in the open.
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2001 6:00 pm
by Ceso
How much skill in hiding do you need to successfully hide in the open daylight with enemies around. I have somewhere above 200 now and must always turn a corner or find some dark crevice in order to hide.
I know the Rune Assassins at the end of the Tanner's quest can hide anywhere at will... and many other thiefs in the game. How much hiding do you need to do that?
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2001 6:07 pm
by Jon-e-boy
im pretty sure you cant hide in the line of vies of hostile creatures i think the rune assasins and others drink invisibility potions
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2001 6:24 pm
by Bruce Lee
The thing with the rune assassins is that they backstabbed me when I was hidden... I hate those guys.
Proud member of the Brotherhood of the woods.
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2001 9:02 pm
by DĂșnadan
Yeah, thats right, you cannot hide in plain view of enemies at any time, unless you quaff a potion of invisibility.
President of the World Alliance for the Advancement of Me (W.A.A.M.)
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2001 9:06 pm
by Alison Entreri
But you can stay hidden in shadows in plain sight of enermies in broad daylight if your HinS is high enough, which is better than in BG1
The Present is an Illusion, The Future is a Dream and The Past is a Lie!
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2001 3:21 am
by Loredweller
Originally posted by Alison Entreri:
But you can stay hidden in shadows in plain sight of enermies in broad daylight if your HinS is high enough, which is better than in BG1
Rules of hiding were improved
beginning with ToSC. So, rangers now have penalty in town and, maybe, dungeon (not sure about the last) still having the full skill in woods, light and the very existence of shadows have an impact on dice roll, as well, ... all to be more realistic.
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2001 6:48 am
by Garcia
No it is not possible to hide when in the view of foes. there are two invisibility rings they work once a day it is just a matter of changing the rings in the battle to have two a day. the first one is a Loot from the lich in the Crooked Crane in city gates and the other in the Den of Seven Vales the inn in Waukeen's Promenade there are some thiefs+others on the 2. floor.
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2001 8:09 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Bruce Lee:
The thing with the rune assassins is that they backstabbed me when I was hidden... I hate those guys.
Yeah - these barstads are annoying.
Besides I hope Bioware changes the rule where a enemy thief can backstap you from the front