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Black space

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 9:56 am
by Fairmaiden
Having recently installed Morrowind on my PC I have a technical problem, (I think).

Where my character's picture should be in my inventory is a big black space, although I can see all of the objects I've got in my possession and can equip them. I just can't see them on me.

Also, I have a black space on my local map. I can see the world map but when I click on the local one, there's nothing there.

Can anyone suggest how I can rectify this?

Another question - is there a good (free) walkthrough of Morrowind?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 10:00 am
by Mr Sleep
What version on Direct X have you got and what(if any) patch version have you got for the game.

Also what is the release version of the drivers for your graphics card?

Welcome to Gamebanshee.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 10:06 am
by Kameleon
Originally posted by Fairmaiden
Another question - is there a good (free) walkthrough of Morrowind?
Woo-hoo! Another chance to plug the Morrowind Yellow Pages thread link in my sig. There are many walkthroughs there (probably the best is the UESP), but I'd suggest you don't use them straight off the bat...your gaming experience will be far more fun if you don't spoil the story. It's not like Monkey Island, where you'd never think to attach the inner tube to the cactus and give the pretzels to the man with the catapult :D

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 10:30 am
by Fairmaiden
I'm embarassed to say that I don't know the answer to your questions, Mr Sleep - I will find out what whatnots and versions I have and post again.

Thanks for your welcome, by the way.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 10:37 am
by Kameleon
Fairmaiden - I would reply to your e-mail, but I am unable to: "Recipient address rejected: Not accepting mail for this account : The user you are trying to reach is no longer active."

So here's what I wrote:
Originally written by Kameleon
As I said in my reply to your post, the UESP is an excellent place to start. A quote from the Yellow Pages:

"walkthroughs for every quest (I am yet to find one that isn't covered)"

The thing about Morrowind is that there isn't just one linear walkthrough you can follow (and why would you want to, the whole point about Morrowind is to explore the world that has been created for you). There is no one way to complete the game, because you can do almost anything at any time, provided that you are up to the challenge of monsters etc. I'm not really sure why you are so eager to get a walkthrough anyway - just play the game the way you want to play it. You'll get a lot more fun out of it that way.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 10:56 am
by Fairmaiden
Oh hell - my emails are being rejected. That's worrying.

Well, thanks anyway - I wanted a walkthrough to get an idea of what was the best way to do things rather than faffing around. Also I get stumped a lot and get cross and end up playing all night!

But, yes, that's the joy of role-playing, ha, ha.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 11:05 am
by Kameleon
Hmm, if you just want help on how to play the game in general, I suggest Bullhonkie's FAQ. Gives a lot of sound advice on how to do various things. Other than that, experience helps quite a bit ;)

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 12:49 pm
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by Fairmaiden
Oh hell - my emails are being rejected. That's worrying.
Could be Kam's ISP, sometimes they do some strange things, BT often rejects people for no reason at all.

I spent many hours running around in Morrowind, quite often because the directions were given to me incorrectly. Even so I can't recall using a Walkthrough, it just isn't my style. I don't think it is a problem with this game though since it is so huge and it won't exactly ruin the storyline.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 6:03 pm
by free_fall
Fairmaiden -

What graphics card do you have?

On my box that has a Kyro II card, the character portrait is sometimes messed up (obscured by horizontal white lines) but usually it's fine. Never had a problem with the map, though.

You might try inquiring at the troubleshooting forum over at - just make sure to include your rig's specs.

If those are are the only problems you're having (the game's running fine otherwise?), I wouldn't worry about it too much. Granted, the lack of the local map could prove a major annoyance - keep the big paper map handy or download the downloadable hi-res TES map.

Finding your way around can be difficult at times. Redoran Councilors, especially, give terrible directions (Hulene's guar ranch, anyone?) and, on the rare occasion they do give precise instructions, it goes into your journal as "it's east of <xxx>". Aargh!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 8:19 pm
by SSRat
Graphics card or driver problem

I would hazard a guess that it's not the DirectX. W/O the proper version, the game wouldn't run at all (I think).

When i first started I had the same problem and it was due to my graphics card which was a 16MB Diamond Viper550. There the problem was twofold: one, the card was below recommended specs and two, the drivers were outdated (Diamond cards are legacy products and new drivers are not available)

I switched to a Diamond Viper770 Ultra which is a 32MB card and instead of intalling diamond drivers, i installed the nVidia drivers off their website and it worked OK. I could see my character and the local maps. I think a 32MB card is the min. requirement according to the box.

I highly recommend, if you can, getting something better. I recently upgraded to a GeForce3Ti500 64MB card and it really makes a difference.

You can play w/o the missing graphics with no problem, however, the local map is very useful. So I would check the nVidia website, [url],[/url] and make sure you have the latest drivers (if you have an nvidia graphics card). If your card has another chipset, check their website and/or the card manufacturer's website.

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2002 5:08 am
by Mr Sleep
Re: Graphics card or driver problem
Originally posted by SSRat
I would hazard a guess that it's not the DirectX. W/O the proper version, the game wouldn't run at all (I think).
Sometimes DirectX can be damaged requiring a reinstall, also if I recall correctly Morrowind only uses DX8.0 not 8.1 and if Fairmaiden happens to be using an old card that doesn't support 8.1 then that could be causing the problems.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 5:13 pm
by bozone
I had to upgrade my video card to get the game to work- the card wasn't compatible with directx8.1 so you might try that.