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Those Wretched Lights

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 12:40 pm
by davfra
Does anyone know of a good way to kill off those lights in Fellwood?
I`ve been struggling for ages and they just seem to keep right on coming.
I must have killed at least 20 of them but my party of 5 gradually die off.
The only slight success I had was with insect plague, but I could only use it once cos the spell caster keeps messing up afterwards.
I`ve read all the notes in the search list and mostly people seem to have trouble getting there in the first place.
Well, I`m there and I`m having real problems, cos they just keep coming at me!
Any ideas, please?

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 2:00 pm
by Bloodstalker
The lights are a pain. In reality, there are only three or so of them. What makes it hard is that they continually teleport. It may look like you're fighting hordes, but it's only about tree.

What I did, was haste my fighters, and concentrate on one at a time. When they dissapear and reappear, pause the game and hilight each of them. Keep pounding the one that is dameaged until it is dead, then do the same with the rest. This way, you can kill one off quicker, and only have two to deal with and so on.

The speed they teleport would make it very hard to kill them just hacking randomly at them. It's a lot easier to kill one at a time, but still time consuming :)

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 3:03 pm
by Tybaltus
Yes. Haste is a good idea. Though I didnt do it, I realize thats a good idea now. :D

Yeah, the will-o-wisps are a pain. At first I went all brute force, but I was taking way too much damage doing that. I killed one off doing that, but I was taking way too much damage. I think the usual go-through of the cleric spells is a good idea in any given tough battle. Cast bless, aid, haste, prayer, holy might, all that stuff. It REALLY helps in the end. So I cast a few of those before the fight. But Im always the conjurer, Ive always been the conjurer. When a fight presents itself, I send in my minions to do the work. So I had a cold bones from an animate dead spell positioned in the south, a spider from spider spawn positioned in the west, a shadow/yeti from a shadow summoning in the east, and another cold bones in the front line with my main fighters. They all took the biggest portion of the damage, because they were always postioned closer to the will-o-wisps rather then my front line. I still took a few more points of damage, but it really wasnt an issue after I went casting those spells.

But what really annoyed me in this fight was that 2 of them were "Almost Dead" for the longest time in the fights, and everytime I thought I was one hit away from killing them, they was annoying. :mad:

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 6:56 pm
by KidD01
You can try edit the char script. Especially tanks - edit them into fighter adaptive - where they use ranged for far enemies and switch into melee when enemies get close. Sometimes the AI screwed up that you require to change weapon manually, yet the script can save some trouble. And try to stock up that arrow +2 The regular arrows are useless.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 8:41 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by KidD01
And try to stock up that arrow +2 The regular arrows are useless.
I just use the returning stuff for long range-like the returning axe, dart, throwing dagger, throwing dagger of fire and the everlasting arrow. They all do the trick, and you dont have to worry about quantity.

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 8:25 pm
by Maharlika
Have your fighters wear the robes...

...that give resistance (factor of 4) to electricity.

I can't remember where I got them but I have two of them. High armor class seems to be useless since the damage done is spell-like in nature (am I correct?). I had my two fighters change into the robes and they get very minimal (sometimes no damage) at all. :cool: