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What the hell with dispostion?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2002 9:29 am
by Loredweller
Is it only me (and then why) or it happens to other too? After i upgraded to 1.2.0722 disposition things went messed. So, with 80 persomality an reputation 18 i come in some area i've already been and welcomed by local population (might be with a bit less personality) - or i get in the shop i've bribed merchant to 100 or near that. Then i see my best friends and admirers have become almost hostile, some has the disposition so low that some positive number apperars only after second successful bribe - or i even have to use the spell. Moreover, in most cases they ever do not have the smallest reason to hate me :confused: What's happening? Maybe some bytes has shanked from my HDD or CD? :rolleyes: