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dual -wield
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2002 2:35 am
by aggroskater
Ok, I like using two weapons and since I use a ranger it makes it so i don't have to get the 2 feats. I use two rapiers mainly because they're are light, so i get -2/-2. I was wondering if it would be more worth it two instead use 2 longswords or medium weps tp make 1d8 instead of 1d6. O maybe Also, I was thinking of getting exotic wep feat so maybe I could wield 2 katanas or the double-sword since I think that is still -2/-2. Also, I was wondering if wep focus is really worth it because you might pick a weapon class that has hardly any good magical weapons of its type, such as katanas or double-swords I don't think they're are too many of those. Thnx for your input!
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2002 5:29 am
by EvilEdwin
With dual wielding the best "penalties" you get are -2/-2, but to get that you have to use a light weapon in your off hand (ie one that is smaller then your size, so small or tiny for medium size characters), as well as the two feats. Since rapiers are both medium sized weapons you won't get -2/-2. Can't remember what it is I'll check later.
As for weapons there's quite a good spread across all types. You can check in the tool kit to find out what they all are (but you might consider that cheating!!)
At the moment I've got a Halfling Fighter/Rogue who dual wields a small sword and dagger (or mace if fighting undead). I put weapon focus, weapon specilisation and improved critical in short sword.
When I planned my character out I had a good look at the weapons in the tool set so I knew what I wanted to use. Might be worth doing so you enjoy using your character. But if this is your first time through you might want to wait to do that so it's not spoiled for you.
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 3:05 pm
by Bobsy
Rapiers are considered to be small weapons since they're so light, which makes them great off-hand weapons for large characters. You also get the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat.
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 4:47 am
by Jurosementalistile
You may have considered all this before, but I'd just like to give my take on duel wielding

Basically I don't think it's worth it under the third edition rules. For a warrior character, you are going to have 4 attacks later in the game. The extra weapon will only get you one extra attack, no matter how good you get. Even if that weapon is light, you get a -2 penalty to all attacks. Also, you only get your normal strength bonus for the main attacks and half your strength bonus for your offhand attacks. If you use a two handed weapon, you get 1.5 times your strength bonus to damgge, rounded down. If you add it up, 4 attacks with normal strength bonus and 1 attack with half, and with light and medium weapons is going to do significantly less damage than 4 attacks with one two handed weapon and 1.5 times your strength bonus. Or you could give up the one extra attack for a shield, which could impove your armour class significantly. I was disappointed, cause I liked duel-wielding in the Baldur's Gate games, but it's just not worth it in 3rd edition rules. Whether you take my advice or not, there are some nice Katanas and Bastard swords, although the Bastard swords are hard to come by. You can definately get a nice Katana in the third chapter, but the longsword is disappointing.
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 10:04 pm
by mikeo
I have to say that dual wield is awesome and works with any two weapons you can dual wield. I think bastard swords are the best dual wield because they do 1-10 damage. The advantage of a lighter weapon is -2/-2 but remember if you pick the weapon focus (bastard sword) feat you would get a -1/-1 when you dual wield. If you are a fighter, missing out on that 1 additional to attack roll is minimal and you do a heck of a lot more damage wielding 2 bastard swords than a second short sword or dagger. Also if you are hasted and have improved two weapon fighting (requires int of 13) and are level 20 you are now getting 7 attacks per round instead of 4, 5 main weapon and 2 second weapon, that beats any other damage combo you can come up with. all for just a -1 penalty to attack rolls.
Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 4:19 pm
by barac
dual wield
Um, since bastard swords aren't light, you'd have -4/-4 (if you have ambidex and 2weapon fighting. Make that -3 with weapon focus and it's alot. Someone (as usual) did the math there: ... apons.html
In short it calculates damage for fighters is better with 2 handed weapons, but if you get enough sneak attack damage, dualwielding pays.
Barac Shaper
"Knowledge is power and my mind is my weapon of choice."
PS Link appears courtesy of Kayless.
Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2003 2:04 pm
by Indra
Dual Wield+Stun+Sneak Attack
Dual Wielding works best when used with Special attacks. Ever wonder why the Rapier and Short Sword - the most intutive dual weilding choices in NWN, come with a "Stun" option? (When you make them with Marrok or in Beorunna's Well). Try dual wielding Namarra or Feyduster with a Rogue/Ranger. The stun lasts for 1 round if the target fails his save, and every attack in that round is a sneak attack! dual-wield - you double the number of attacks in that one round, and double your chance that your target will remain stunned in subsequent rounds. That's why the 1d6 damage of the rapier/short sword does not matter, when combined with the 3d6 or 4d6 sneak attack multiplier. No target will last more than 1-2 rounds when dual wielding Namarra or Feyduster..(and when combined with Imp. Critical for Rapier - my R/Ro is slicing through Chp.2 right now ...with New Improved Monster AI And increasing Monster stats by 6..)
Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 1:58 am
by Thanatos
Yeah, isn't namarra and feyduster great? Had the same set up for my character. Combined with knockdown, most creatures don't even have a chance of fighting back. There's even a mace that has the same stun ability, if for some reason you need to do some blunt damage. Then there's the +2 version of it you get in chapter 3 which put people to sleep for two rounds, instead of stun. Harder to pull off since DC of most creatures are higher and the chance to succeed is only 50%, but "Coup de Grace" anyone?
The only problem is fighting creatures that can't be stunned or sneak attacked (which are a lot in NWN).