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Galur Rithari's papers (ex-vampire)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 3:43 pm
by De_Priester
I have been looking for his papers, jobasha told me to go to the hidden library in the halls of justice but where are these and where are the papers ?

Thanks !

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 6:41 pm
by cjdevito
Heh. I just stumbled across the hidden library in the editor an hour or so ago, never even realized it was there. In the Hall of Justice, there are two trapdoors -- one in the office of the watch, the other in the justice offices. Both of people right next to them, both are locked. They each lead to the secret library.

You can also get the papers from the Berne clan headquarters of Galom Dreus, in the observatory there.

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 9:25 am
by De_Priester
I actually realised I allready had the papers on me but I have yet to find that secret library. Just got arch mage and now doing thiefs guild, damn what a game it rocks ! :-)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 12:52 pm
by De_Priester
k thanks m8 I'll try