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Few questions
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 5:48 pm
by Ragin Cajun the job thing straight. Here's a few things I'm grasping at understanding right now...thanks in advance.
I have found two soul gems in a cave with 4 agents (I killed them for a quest). The manual shows soul gems are used to enchant items. I did a search for soul gems; but it doesn't tell me how to cast "soul trap". Any help?
Also, I am taking mini-quests (jobs) from the Fighter's Guild in Balmora. In Arena, you were able to get private jobs in the taverns...haven't been able to get one in MW. Is this possible? How do you find the people offering them?
And what level should I be when I leave Balmora and move on? Or should I move on? The cheat guide says I need to be Level 4 before Caius Cosades will hire me for work (the spy master I visited first when arriving in Balmora). Currently I am still Level 1 (9 of 10 on the advancement bar). Any suggestions on advancement (Haven't searched for this one yet...I will do so now but wanted to get it in the thread.)
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 6:13 pm
by cjdevito
To cast a soul trap spell, you must either know a spell that has the soul trap effect, or have an item that's enchanted with the effect.
There are hundreds of miscellaneous quests available. You get them by talking to people. Anyone you meet might have a quest for you, the only way to find out is to talk to them.
You can leave Balmora at any time; random encounters are mostly dependent on your level, so you shouldn't really encounter creatures drastically more powerful then you. I have a soft spot for Balmora, but there are certainly nicer cities in the game... Vivec and Sadrith Mora come to mind. Feel free to set up shop for the time being anyplace you'd like.
As for advancing, well, you gain levels when you use your major and minor skills. So use'em. Train them if you can afford to, or just put them into practice. If you have a lot of magic skills, you can make "1 spell point" spells at the spellmakers in the mage's guild, that you can cast over and over again to improve your magic skills. For combat and stealth skills, the only ways to increase them are to use them or pay for training. Try sneaking around people for the sake of it, or buy a lock spell (one of the mages in the caldera guild sells one, I believe) and practice locking and picking the lock on a door someplace... or just go wander til you find a tomb/cave/grotto/etc and go kill things.
There's something like 800 quests in the game of Morrowind, before the expansion pack. But the game itself is -very- freeform. If you need cash, don't wait til someone tells you "I need you to go to dungeon XXX and get me the XXX". Instead, just go to dungeon XXX and loot and pillage to your hearts content.
Another tip: dispose of corpses. Besides making things run a bit faster by not having to render all those dead bodies, most critters will respawn if you've disposed of their corpse then exited and reentered the cell they're in. So you can do the same tomb over and over again, for example, as long as you dispose of the corpses.
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 8:02 pm
by Ragin Cajun
Being that my character is a fighter...not sure but I think spell casting is out. Where would I buy an item like that? Probably something that comes later in the game?
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 8:29 pm
by fable
Spellcasting is not necessarily out. It just depends on 1) whether you've made any of the magical arts your major skills, and 2) if not, whether you've trained 'em up. You can do the latter two ways, either by reusing a rechargable device until you gain levels, or by studying with an expert.
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 9:19 pm
by free_fall
Unless it's a RP choice on your part, being a fighter doesn't preclude you from using magic. In fact, you must learn some spells in order to use the soul gems to enchant items, even if you never cast spells (choosing to play as a fighter rather than a mage, say).
The way it works is this: you go to an enchanter with a soul gem that has a soul trapped inside and tell them you want to enchant an item (ring, weapon, armor, etc.); the enchantment (spell) effect you can put on that item is selected from the list of spells that you know.
So, being a fighter, you may prefer to use scrolls or magical items for most of your magical needs, but you will still need to learn some spells if you want custom-enchanted items. Otherwise, there's really no point in collecting soul gems and trapping souls in them, except to sell them for income.
You can buy soul trap scrolls at temples and mage's guildhalls. Cast the scroll on a creature - as long as you finish it off while the spell is in effect, you will trap it's soul, provided you are carrying a soul gem large enough to contain its soul. Later, learn the soul trap spell and have a weapon enchanted with 'cast on strike' soul trap. Attack a creature with this weapon, then switch to another weapon to finish it off.
As for leveling up to prep for the MQ, join a guild or two and a Great House. If you rise to the top in these, you should be around level 20 when you return to Caius.