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Question for the experienced....

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 6:43 pm
by willy_g

i've raised my sneak level up to about 60 or so, and i haven't been able to find a suitable trainer who can teach me more in the sneak skill. So what im looking for is a NPC who can train my sneak skill up to 90 or better.


Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 1:25 am
by free_fall
There is plug-in available called Shakti's Book of Secrets that puts this book into the bookstore in Balmora for you to purchase.

This is a handy reference which contains:
- a travel guide listing the cities each type of transport will take you to
- a list of which creatures fit into which soul gems
- a complete list of the secret master trainers (ones that can train you to 100 in a skill)
- a list of NPCs essential to the MQ that you shouldn't kill
- a list of 'noteworthy' vendors

The travel guide is especially useful in getting around.

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:22 pm
by free_fall
Uncle - (note the edit to my post) It doesn't say anything about anyone, it's just a list of names. Crazy Batou is on the list.

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 4:24 pm
by cjdevito
Note that Shakti's method of determining who was on the list was simply by checking all the NPCs in the editor and noting which ones had a check box in the "essential" field.

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2002 3:23 pm
by rnrules
There is also a great list of master trainer's on Game Faq's