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Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2002 10:19 pm
by rnrules
OK I'm not sure what to do with the dialoge. I'm trying to get it so a paticular person won't talk about a topic, how do I remove that topic ONLY from him. When I delete from him it deletes the whole topic. Anybody able to shed light on this for me?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2003 2:29 am
by cjdevito
You could do it with a script, with a state check, with a guild and or location check depending on specifics. What's the topic and who's the NPC?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2003 3:28 am
by rnrules
He is my own NPC. I would like to drop all topics, similar to somebody who doesn't want to speak to you. (like vivec when you break into his crib "uninvited". (dumb log in this is the third time I had to write this message)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2003 2:03 pm
by cjdevito
If you mean... you talk to him, but can't ask about any topics because there's a 'goodbye' link under the greeting you have to click that ends the conversation, here's how you do that.

In the dialogue screen, go to the greetings tab. Select greetings1 (actually, you could use any, but they're sort of sorted by type so it pays to keep'em organized) and in the list of dialogue response, click and create a new one. Put whatever message you want in, then in the results field at the very bottom type:


A couple lines up from the results box there's a field for the NPCs name.... click through that list and select your custom NPC's identity from it, and not only he will use this greeting.

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2003 6:01 pm
by rnrules
Thanks, do you know how to make a new subject come up after you do a certain thing? Ex: Kill somebody

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2003 6:38 pm
by cjdevito
Well, you could do it with scripts, you could do it with journal checks, but the easiest way to do it would be within the function/variable menus in the dialogue screen. Set up your topic, your response, and in that response set up a f/v for Dead (first column) NPC name (second column) = (third column) 1 (fourth column). Then that response will only display if the player clicks on that topic and the NPC is dead. If you set it to =0 instead of =1 then you'll get a response that will only display if the NPC is still living.

Of course, if it's an entirely new topic that the PC doesn't know, you need to introduce it to them; use the exact words of the topic's name as part of a custom greeting, or introduce them in another response to another topic.

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2003 6:41 pm
by rnrules
So did you learn all that by reference, or did you find a guide or something?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2003 6:47 pm
by cjdevito
Dialogue I learned mostly through looking at how existing dialogue in-game was set up, in the editor. Just take a look at how existing conversations that you've been through in-game actually work, how the nuts and bolt of them are assembled in the editor and you'll pretty much be able to pick up dialogue with no problem. Only time it gets complicated is if you have dialogue interact with scripts; either checking a variable in a script, setting one, or running a new one as a dialogue result. For that sort of thing, you'll really need a scripting guide. GhanBuriGan has a good one, Morrowind Scripting for Dummies, available at most of the mod sites. It won't help you with dialogue, though, just scripting.