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Party Leader?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2003 4:38 pm
by Fallen Angel
Which class or combinations of classes make the best leader? Obviously you need good charisma but are any other stats important to the dialogues?

Also can you take feats like Mercantile Background on someone besides the talker and still have it be effective?

In my current game (just got to the Black Raven Monistary) I have a 12th level fighter with 14 charisma and 6 skill points in bluff, diplomacy and intimidation. If I start a new game what kind of character would be more effective as a leader.

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2003 6:37 pm
by fable
If you have a paladin, do *not* make them leader. They'll let unscrupulous NPCs get away without paying for accomplished quests. You simply won't get the dialog choices to press for your cash.

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2003 11:44 pm
by Skooter327
Originally posted by Fallen Angel
Which class or combinations of classes make the best leader? Obviously you need good charisma but are any other stats important to the dialogues?

Also can you take feats like Mercantile Background on someone besides the talker and still have it be effective?
Intelligence is also important, as well as the skills you mentioned. An example of the importance of Int. is at the beginning of the game. The 3 wounded soldiers will give more equipment to higher Int. chars. Of course, similar benefits abound elsewhere in the game.

On trading: I did some experimenting, and I found that when buying items from a merchant, the char that speaks to the merchant sets the prices, so his Cha. and Merc. Bkgnd feat are in effect. However, when selling items to a merchant, the char whose inventory holds those items for sale determines the prices (& are thus effected by her Cha., etc.), regardless of whom first spoke.