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Twin Lamps

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 6:31 am
by Loredweller
Before the patch i was getting the question "Have you met Twin Lamps?". I didn't know the right answer, though. Now i know the answer and have freed more than 30 slaves (i've lost the count already). I've been recognized by the bookseller in the Rare Books shop, altogether i cannot get the sacral question any more. Have i missed something?
Also, is there a way to free slaves in Dren plantation and across the river near the Suran? I've serched all possible places and leered in all possible pockets without any luck.
The same in slave maket in Suran. The save trader has a key, but it is the cell key, not the slave key :(

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2003 1:38 am
by Loredweller
Just where is the key in Dren Plantation? I picked almost every key in every pocket i came by (save but Dren's key and the key in the pocket of the guy in the Tower Hut, altogether i know about them). None of them were Slave keys nonetheless.

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 9:32 am
by Loredweller
Thanks, i found one in some pocket (last shack i tried :rolleyes: :D ). Then another came running stright onto my sword :D It appeared there had been some plot under it all with important info (what was a bit outdated for me due the bad habit of sneaking and nosing ;) , and then there had been the job for Gentleman Jim anyway, they had done all for you not to miss it :D ).
I still wonder about Arvel plantation and a slave in Sterdecan's farmhouse.
And Ilmenis Dren still is withhelding the sacral phrase :( why, i wonder :confused: i released about more than 40 slaves by now ...

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 3:30 pm
by Loredweller
It's what all released slaves are telling you (if you aren't too lazy to ask) what to answer to "Have you met the Twin Lamps?" or something like. Password, the call and the answer, in other words. Before patch i was asked and did not know the answer. Now i've got the answer and nobody cares to ask :( :D