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Character stats

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Ragin Cajun
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Character stats

Post by Ragin Cajun »

Any advise on how to improve your character's stats?

-I did not see a way to modify/self-select my characters stats when I created him.
-Only able to add 1 coin (point) to each stat when I leveled that rate I'd have to be 100th level to get any decent ratings (based on seeing other posting about 100+ ratings).
-This is seriously limiting my ability to train with people for certain things (I'm thieves guild with a thief, intelligence was a 40 when created...was able to bump to 41 when I moved to Level 2).
-I've seen posts saying that leveling is basically "worthless" in this game..but it appears that they are pretty important to get your stats to a workable level. I'm having major problems picking locks and sneaking around and these are mandatory for some early quests with the thieves guild.

Help :confused: as I am WAY LOST.
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Post by MordorMan »

When you talk to the immigration officer in Seyda Neen you can answer questions to arrive at a predefined character class with predefined specialities. For example, you might be a witch hunter or a knight. But you can also choose to make a custom class, which is called 'adventurer'. This will enable you to select you own major/minor skills. Also, the race you select influences the starting attributes.

To get more points for an attribute when you level up you should train those skills that are governed by the attribute, if they are not major or minor skills. For example, the skill 'conjuration' is governed by intelligence. Now if conjuration is a miscellanious skill (not major or minor) you won't get level up points for training it but increasing this skill will influence the bonus for intelligence.

Levelling up is not so worthless. Every time your health increases and you can increase the attributes you value.

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Post by Loredweller »

Originally posted by UncleScratchy
... Also after a certain level (maybe 50) you only get one coin and no bonuses per level up.
I'm at 62 and so far haven't noticed such a thing, bonuses still are snowing on me. What's true, they can never bypass the 100 (for leveling part only, of course).
Although the level number means virtually nothing in Morrowind, the process of level-up itself is extremely important.

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