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Caldera Mine Quest problem

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2003 5:05 pm
by Ricci
I am doing the House Redoran quest to find evidence to close the Caldera mine. I freed the slaves after i got the information that the book was in the governor's mansion, I went and picked the lock on the chest and got the bad ledger book. I went back to Garisa Llethri who gives the quest and he just tells me the evidence can be found in the mines...what gives I have the false and real ledger books!?!?!

Am I missing something here? Please help as I need to get on with the house quests.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2003 5:41 pm
by wilmrebel
free dahleena

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:47 pm
by MordorMan
I had the same problem. The trick is not to free any slaves until you deliver the ledger to Garisa. When you get the quest, he specificaly says not to undertake any action, just get the evidence. After you give him the ledger, he will ask you to stop the mining operation. Then you can free the slaves.

I was in the same position you are in. I think you have to get back to a saved game in which you haven't freed the Caldera mine slaves yet.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 1:03 am
by Ricci
ACK! I heard there is a consol command to force NPCs to respawn in a room... I may have written over the game and I would hate to go back too far in saved games...

Thanks for advice!

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:39 am
by muttspider
redoran house help

actually, i have a similar problem. i freed dahleena and all the other slaves extremely early in the game before i even thought of joining a house. i think i did it the first time i was in the mining company (proly before i was a level 10. i'm now a level 60). i generally free all the slaves i find. well, now the redoran councilor won't acknowledge that i freed them. is there any way to fix this error so i can advance past house father?