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Moving through the game...

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 9:56 am
by Ragin Cajun
I just restarted the game...was hitting too many undoable jobs with my other character. I believe this was due to my moving along to quickly. I was already sent to Maar Gan and Gnaar Mok and I am not even 5th level. It got real hairy trying to pick pocket a house guard under the Skar...only to find that she didn't have the darn arrows and reloading the game about 20 times after getting busted.

So, I've restarted with a custom character...and I'm curious; the Prophecies book shows all the locations to explore in each area. Should I (what do you recommend) explore ALL these areas before moving on to Balmora (and then future locations?)

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 2:57 pm
by wilmrebel
take youe time, believe me you will not finish this game in a week or two, best build up experience and follow the main line first for a while.

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2003 1:48 am
by Loredweller
I just go to Balmora ASAP and by silt slider to get some experience, money, equipment and contacts to return a bit later. Until you've grown a bit there's no reason to bother with main storyline, even the first real task already requests some abilities you wouldn't have at first levels (if you do not count the suggestion to become familiar with Blades trainers in Balmora - now, it definitely is worth to do) .