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Looking for motivation in Tribunal plot...

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 10:08 am
by jdougan1
OK - I am fairly far into Tribunal, and suddenly I find my self (or rather, my charecter) unmotivated to go any further....

I have completed several quests for the Temple, and now Alemexia wants me to unleash ashstorms on the locals as punishment..... I just finished getting rid of the ash storms when I completed the main quest - so I am loathe to start them up again, even if it is in a different location. Besides, Alemexia seems a tad...extreme?

Then there is the King. He tried to kill me. Now he acts like all is forgiven, and wants me to protect his mother - but it sounds like a setup. And, call me picky - but I am not really motivated to help someone who tried to have me murdered.... me our here. I don't like the sound of either of the main options here. Am I missing an option? I did drop in on Vivec for advice, and he noted that Alamexia really liked being a god and would have trouble having to give it up - but that isn't much to go on.

Am I missing something obvious? Right now, I have walked away from the game for a bit because I don't see any reasonable path.


Thanks in advance...

-- Jim

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 9:33 am
by Sojourner
I've just played through (first time). I had figured out who was behind the assassination plot, so I never sided with the king. I didn't trust Amalexia either, after starting up the ash storm and talking to the supposedly mad leader of the End of Times cult, but I sided with her since I was a member of the Temple. Without spoiling too much, I'd say pick whichever option appeals most and play through - the outcome will surprise you.