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New kits on the block

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2001 6:53 am
by Garcia
they are pretty cool and balanced too.
I didn't make these ones they are made by a guy called Notrix

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2001 10:49 pm
by Shadowstrider
Well balanced????

His kits are insanely off-balance!

Hey let's throw together a bunch of powerful abilites and counteract them with stupid disadvantages. His kits have no theme they are just power-player heaven. Sorry I usually don't rant but his kits are NOT balanced.

[url=""]Strider's Chambers[/url]

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2001 11:37 pm
by Giles the Sorcerer
Can someone give me a brief description? I can't even D/L them.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2001 2:29 am
by Garcia
Originally posted by Shadowstrider:
Well balanced????

His kits are insanely off-balance!

Hey let's throw together a bunch of powerful abilites and counteract them with stupid disadvantages. His kits have no theme they are just power-player heaven. Sorry I usually don't rant but his kits are NOT balanced.

well then you should have seen the others. Image They all are more like the best of the best of all char. yes I do agree that these are very powerfull but he did try to keep it down a bit you know.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2001 3:21 am
by Tain
Wow this is great! Image

I'm interested in trying out the lich kit, since I'm totally drawn into magic as I have always been. Image

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2001 3:32 am
by Weasel
Here is some more kits..I haven't tried them.. [url=""][/url]

[This message has been edited by Weasel (edited 02-27-2001).]

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2001 3:41 am
by Garcia
flashy smily Weasel Image

my favorite Image