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Cleric/Wizard help please!

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 7:55 pm
by ledribaen
I've read Kaylees Guide to multi-classing. The whole no-no about two casting classes. But I love cleric/wizards, I hate sorcs(but i wont go into that). Has anyone made a cleric/wizard before that can give me some tips on creating? Stats, feats? It's going to be a drow most likely. Also, can anyone tell me how many spells of each level each class would have at 15/15 cleric/wiz? Would they both obtain their highest level rank of spells? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 11:10 pm
by koz-ivan
oh my.

1st a disclaimer, i fear you will be very dissapointed in this class / multi, but if you must have a cleric / wizard...

if you must balance the levels you'll want stats that are similar to -

s - 6 (this is an arcane caster, heavy armour is out of the question, and it should not be in melee anyway)
d - 18 (get used to using a bow a lot, this will also help protect you a bit)
c - 14 (needed for concentraton checks)
i - 16 (likely should add two points as you progress)
w - 14 (yes not as high as int, but easy to raise w/ items)
c - 8 (could be a little lower but the floor value is 5 for drow iirc, and it does have some impact on turn undead)

note i did not factor in drow bonuses.

a few pointers, your best bet would be unbalanced levels, just grab a few wizard levels for your cleric or a few cleric levels for your wizard (no multi penalty for drow either way) ie a cleric that can cast blur, shield & mirror image is pretty neat. or a wizard w/ a few cleric spells can also be fun.

you want medium -> high int & wis, (won't need to be that high since you won't be casting the highest level spells)

most parties are finishing the game (in normal mode) around level 16, your multi will be 8/8 enough for 4th level spells. not very effective imo.

or at end of hof 15 / 15 - which iirc maybe gets you 8th level spells. you won't have 9th level spells.

feats -

rapid shot - (free bow feat - elf) + a decent dex gives you a good missle attack.

combat casting - the bonus to concentration checks is worthwhile.

school focus / greater focus - necromancy

the rest depends on your choice of school & diety. if lathander & evoker, then evocation is the way to go (obviously).

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2003 1:36 pm
by lonely wolf
why multiclassing?

i think multiclassing is very stupid!
why should you multiclass to anither class if you can be expirienced in the first one? :p

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2003 5:52 pm
by Phantom Lord
Because certain class combinations have added value, like ranger/rogue (same restrictions, different strengths) or barbarian/fighter (similar strenghts, different feats).

MCing spellcasters is another matter, because levels in spellcasting classes are too important.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 1:49 pm
by lonely wolf

now that i think on it, i think you are right, because it is good to MC when you are not a spellcaster, because a spellcaster needs the max lvl they can get because of the spells.
but it is also stupid to multiclass from a armorwearer to a arcane spellcaster, because they get spell failure due to there armor.
so sometimes MC is good but not allways :D

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2003 8:50 am
by Yshania
Re: right!
Originally posted by lonely wolf

now that i think on it, i think you are right, because it is good to MC when you are not a spellcaster, because a spellcaster needs the max lvl they can get because of the spells.
but it is also stupid to multiclass from a armorwearer to a arcane spellcaster, because they get spell failure due to there armor.
so sometimes MC is good but not allways :D

But if you place points in Armoured Arcana you can receive upto 15% reduction in spell casting failure, which will allow your spellcaster to wear studded leather armour with no failure ;)

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2003 10:49 am
by lonely wolf
armored arcana

but the armored arcana feat takes the place of other good feats!
and you need to spend more feats on it (to reduce more arcane spell failure!) :rolleyes: