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Is this supposed to happen???

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2003 6:31 pm
by MordorMan
**Possible spoilers....**

Very strange things going on in the Dwemer ruin beneath the Mournhold Plaza. I placed a satchel near the rocks at the end of the maze in Darac's Forge and a hole appeared. Beyond the hole there is nothing but darkness and a few lights. When I go through the hole I can see the level from the outside if I levitate. I can fly around the whole level from the outside and I can enter at any point I want. Is this supposed to happen?

Maybe it is a bug, the game is supposed to create a new section of the dungeon but does not do so, because the explosion has not finished yet... the lights at the other end might be bits of explosion.. it looks a bit like the flashes that sometimes freeze in the air when a bonelord collapses.

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 4:58 am
by Sojourner
I've periodically experienced glitches where I "fell" through a floor or wall. Re-starting the game clears up the problem.

@MordorMan - What should happen is that you should be able to activate the "dark hole" like a door, when you get close enough. I've experienced the "unfinished explosion" syndrome a lot, too - restarting the game makes the sparkles go away. This doesn't affect the dark hole.

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 11:54 am
by MordorMan
Problem solved, thanks to Sojourner. I did not experience a bug, I just did the wrong thing. I crawled through the hole in stead of activating it like a door. When I pressed the door activation button, I got a window asking me if I wanted to go through the hole.

Many thanks!