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theif's skills question
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 7:30 am
by Khalen
As my subject states, I'm curious about theif skills as they are implemented in BG. If you combine allotted skill points with racial/dex bonuses you can end up having skill scores greater than 100%. My question is this: While increasing sneaking skills above 100% seems to serve some purpose, I assume it can offset any penalty applied by using the ability in well lit areas, would there be any purpose to increasing any of the other abilities over 100% (Are armor penalties implemented in BG?)? Thanks.
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 1:41 pm
by The Z
Not sure if there's any penalty for well lit areas. There's no penalty for armor. And there's not much point in increasing anything above 100% since the XP cap is Level 9-10 and you won't be able to evenly distribute the thief points.
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:48 am
by Mister Popo
Getting your hide in shadows score above 100 does help to negate certain penalties such as standing in LOS etc.
As I once had pickpocket scores at 100 and still had a problem with certain pockets, I also think that it couldn't hurt to have that score at a high.
Also with the exp-cap removal, you can get very nice stat's.
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 11:20 am
by garazdawi
High values are very useful as it helps you to do teh actions even better. Some people have a natural 100% resistance to pickpockets...... this makes 200% pick pocket skill very useful.... also soem traps have special abileties which decrease your percentages........ I'm not sure how much of this is present in BG1.... it is however true in BG2 and in some places in BG1.....
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:34 pm
by Stilgar
Originally posted by Mister Popo
Getting your hide in shadows score above 100 does help to negate certain penalties such as standing in LOS etc.
If LOS means Line of Sight, you're wrong.
You can NEVER hide while in line of sight of an enemy.
It does help in bright light