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WTF!!! i picked up a spell from a ascended sleeper Spoilers...

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 1:40 am
by UserUnfriendly
i somehow when i fought an ascended sleeper near ghostgate, i got a message about being hit with some curse...i had on necromancer amulet and being a breton with atronach somehow my spell absorbtion pick up this spell, called curse of something,,,and the spell enhances strength, and gives you corpus disease!!!!

so now i can create spells and items that gives enemies corpus disease,,,, useful???

has this happened to anyone else????

i think i try to make an item that does ranged corpus, and see what it does to a cliff racer...hehhehehhe

:rolleyes: :D :confused:

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 8:54 am
by Sojourner
That is wierd - in all of the games I've ever played, I never picked this one up. I wonder if this is some game glitch.