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exporing ruins

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:22 pm
by alterre
uncle scratchy. many thanks. i was able to jump thru the first entrance. i havnt found a decent bow yet in game but will look. character s a dumb redguad who hasnt enchanted anything yet. hell haveto. is it possible to do these areas as a basic grunt,or must one resort to the arcane. thanks

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 1:50 pm
by Loredweller
If i got right you're about navigation in the ruins ;) Well, if it's the puzzle box ruin there's only two important spots you cannot reach without levitation and none related to the puzzle box quest, all other is rechable on the foot. There's the way to come down from the entrance and to go up to the room with the box. I hope you've got some light with you, though, it's hard to find them in the dark. Do not forget some Divaine or, even better, Almsivi Intervention scroll with you to to avoid tears about all you're going to leave here :D (Almsivi is better because it brings you stright back to Balmora - and it is lighter).

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 4:20 pm
by UserUnfriendly
best bow in the game is auriel's bow...

no where nearly as powerful in daggerfall, where it shoots lightning, but its an ebony bow, that does as much damage as daedric bow, but weighs like ebony...

and it looks way cool...i dont like the sharp spikes and points of the daedric bow...auriel's bow has gold inlaid hunting scenes in the black metal...looks much much nicer...


you go to ghostgate, then find in one of the upper tower rooms a guy with two ordinator buddies, taunt him and wipe the floor with him...

this is also necessary item if you go for therana's ash yam quest if you join trevanni...simply give her the bow, her reward is breast plate and greaves of daedric with mondo feather spell, so it weighs like glass!!!! taunt her, and kill her and take the bow back...she is too looney tunes to be entrusted with such a dangerous ranged weapon...