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MR not working

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:23 pm
Well, my character is wearing Cuirass of the Savior's Hide, Phynaster's Ring, and Marara's Blouse, which provide 60%MR, 20%MR, 10%MR respectively. The thing is, I went down to Vivec's hangout and started hacking at the loser. He's a loser because he can't put up a decent fight man to man. Instead, he keeps running around and around casting like a wussy and what's so unfair is that he never runs out of mana. Anyway, MR against him doesn't seem to work. So my question is: are "resist <element>" and "resist magic" different? In Baldur's Gate for example, "resist <element>" is kind of like a subset inside "resist magic," i.e., your MR protects you from fireballs.

By the way, I think Vivec is gay. I mean, look at him. He's wearing almost nothing, trying to seduce other ***gots. You know how you can spot a rainbow boy by just looking at him.

Maybe the MR doesn't work on his spells 'cause they're ***got spells :P

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 5:49 pm
by Loredweller
He isn't supposed to be attacked, so obviosly they have taken measures to teach you the lesson :D There were posts on the board somebody had killed him just for fun or to get know how large his soul is :rolleyes:
BTW, i'm not sure, how the MR works. If as probabilities, then the probability you're going to be hit should be approx. 0.3.If it stacks, there's still 0.1 left. And again, there is the Luck and Willpower multipliers, he - as a God - might have at least 100 in both.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 10:31 am
by free_fall
You might think your homophobic remarks are 'cute' but I would think most people here find them offensive, as well as infantile.

Such hate-speech is frowned upon in these forums.