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stolen items

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:17 pm
by alterre
how do i get to keep my stolen things. ive taken glass armor and soil gems. i put them on the ground and paid my fine then reclaimed them. this lets me talk to the guards etc without problems. however, later when i went to pay a minor fine the took everything including a grand soul gem that i got legit. whats going on and how do i keep my ill gotten gains? additionaly how do i get into dargoth urfacility. there seems to be a boulder in the way? thank you

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:08 pm
by SSRat
I had the same problem. Basically, whenever you steal an item, it remembers the item type. I grabbed all of the soul gems from the enchanter in Balmora and subsequently, could never use her again to enchant items.

Basically, it's a tricky path to follow. If you are patient, you can pick up(legally) just about every item in the game. But once you steal, it considers that item type stolen whenever you encounter a guard. I am pretty that you will lose items even if the crime wasn't reported.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:18 pm
by UserUnfriendly
major spoilers....

first, dont get caught!!!!always steal while under 80% or better chameleon, then press the sneak button, save before you try and reload if you get caught...i basically am a total sticky fingers, especially when playing the cloak basically steal an item from every secret master in the game...hahahh...

go to gnar mok, at the higgergigger(?) shack and train with the secret master of sneaking...

make a enchanted item with 100ft telekinesis and try this..if you want to steal something lying in plain sight, go far away, completely out of sight of the owner and guards, activate the item, press sneak and point the crosshairs at the loot...steal it, and since you are completely out of their sight, you usually get away clean...

finally, the legion forts have evidence chests where all the loot they picked up end up....use chameleon items to break in and steal it all back...

hahhahahhah :p ;) :D

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 5:16 pm
by Loredweller
There are 2 rules of thumb i'm always following with merchants:
1) as soon one's got an item he's going to keep with him that item is going to be enchanted, it completely cuts off the trail, even the merchant you have stolen it from never is going to recognize it;
2) never steal the unenchantable things (as potions and herbs, for example, they are so cheap, after all);
Obvious, it won't work for already ingame enchanted things.
Of course, it the best never been caught... i usually do, altogether i had a couple of ocassions i had overlloked the warning about the crime reported :rolleyes: so i'm taking some precautions ;)