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does some kind soul have a listing of console commands????

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:25 pm
by UserUnfriendly
i have a listing of console commands, i downloaded off of avault, but its not well documented...i need the console commands to

reveal the entire map of the area you are in, i already know the global world map reveal command, "fillmap"

i really need to know if a console command exists for revealing what grid reference you are in..for example, i want to start using the "coe" command to move around...i think by using the cheat i can cut down on the number of map area loads, and improve my fps...and its getting annoying, i have pretty much seen all the sights in the game, i just want to finish quests quicker....

so if some kind person knows of a document that explains the more advanced console commands, with documentation of each command, i'd appreciate a link or a zip file..

thanks.. :)

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 11:45 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Ya know, uncle scratchy, i actually have a sheet from some place i downloaded thats more detailed than that, but down at the very bottom is the info i wanted...thanks!!!

its tpg....cant wait to try it out....

been playing with tes effects...