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What to make for 6th character....

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 4:07 pm
by Mondrin
I'm a bit stumped as to what to make for my 6th character. Currently I have the following:

Aasimar Paladin
Wild Elf Cleric-Morninglord of Lathander
Wild Elf Sorcerer
Human Fighter (greatsword tank man)
Tiefling Rogue

That gives me two good tanks, a healer/2nd line tank, sneaker, and magic cannon. The rogue, cleric and sorcerer can all use bows so that is good.

The two options I've been contemplating is adding another fighter who will be the bow specialist and back guard for party, or another sorcerer to augment my magic power. With 2 sorcerer's I could concentrate one on evocation and the other possibly on necromancy (could do both on evocation since there are so many spells). I'm not sure how useful an archer would be since it wasn't in the original IWD.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 4:30 pm
by Yshania
Try a druid ;)

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 4:56 pm
by Mr.Waesel
Definately another arcane spellcaster

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 4:50 pm
by Mondrin
I studied the Druid for a while. While it does give some nice offensive spells and some fighting capability I decided against it and in favor of another sorcerer. I decided to multiclass the Thief with a couple fighter levels to give me my archer. That way I get a bit of both.

We'll see how it plays out. So far I forgot to cast any spells in the prologue because the party just wiped the goblins out in melee.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:42 am
by koz-ivan
Originally posted by Mondrin
I studied the Druid for a while. While it does give some nice offensive spells and some fighting capability I decided against it and in favor of another sorcerer. I decided to multiclass the Thief with a couple fighter levels to give me my archer. That way I get a bit of both.

We'll see how it plays out. So far I forgot to cast any spells in the prologue because the party just wiped the goblins out in melee.

i think you mage a pretty good choice. however if you don't use that many spells, you may of been better off w/ another tank style char. but honestly i think the sorc's have a lot of power potential.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 6:42 pm
by Rahvin
now, i have no experience in HoF but from what I hear tanks are useless and magic rules :) So, you made the right decision

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:30 am
by lonely wolf
yeah! magic rules ;) :) :cool: !

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:33 am
by Mondrin
Yes I believe I made the correct choice. I love magic users and played NWN with a sorcerer. So far my part is around 7th level and starting battles with a 1-2 punch from the two sorcerers makes life very easy.

And it will only get better with higher level spells.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 4:19 am
by lompo
Originally posted by Mondrin
The rogue, cleric and sorcerer can all use bows so that is good.

Consider that for a wiz./sorc the xbows is more effective, because you can find some with extra attack (no bow with such feature) tha t are very useful giving the fact that those classes don't have great BAB (thus many attack).
Also remember to use sling because bullets to, so to have different kind of ranged damage (not only piercing).
My suggesdtion: rogue -> bow, cleric -> sling, sorc/wiz xbows.
That said for your sorc. the best races are: human (if is not going to be the diplomat of the team) or drow/aesimar, all the other choices are behind.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:46 pm
by lonely wolf
a wild elf is also good for a sorcerer! :p

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:51 pm
by Mondrin
Wild Elves do make good sorcerers...better than humans in my opinion. The stat modifications are ok. The best part is getting the free large sword and bow feats. That would cost you 2 feats normally, assuming you are going to use weapons from those two areas. If you aren't then going human may be better. I'm not big on the level modifying classes now that I've used them.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:50 am
by lompo
Sorry but I confirm that a human is far superior to a w.elf for a sorcerer.
Adv. of the elf race: +2 dex, -2 con, res. to ench. spells (ie. +2 to will s.t.), proficiency to bow and l.swords, immune to sleep.

Adv. of human: extra skill points, free feat

Now let see the needs of a sorcerer: max Char. (it is his most important ability); max/close to max Con. (for hp, concentration check and fortitude saves, the weak point of the class), Int. enough to let you minimum two skill points (concentration and spellcraft) or minimum four if you need a diplomat, average wis. 10 (will saves are your best saves), minimum str. (8 or even 6), dex what remains (can be important for reflex saves, not so for ac thanks to defensive spells and ranged BAB).

With this in mind lets built the two sorc.
human non diplomat: str.8, dex 16, con 18, int 6, wis 10, char 18
human diplomat: str. 8, dex 10, con 16, int 14, wis 10, char 18

w.elf non diplomat: str.8, dex 12, con 16, int 12, wis 10, char 18
w.elf diplomat: str.8, dex 10, con 14, int 16, wis 10, char 18

It is evident the advantage of the human for the impact of the extra skill points that enable to reduce intelligence; it is also clear that the extra dex. of the elf is not used in any case, so it is not an adv., while can be a disadvantage the penalty on con.;

regarding the proficiency: a sorc. is not going to use swords, he is not the melee type, low strenght, bad BAB, low hp; while for ranged weapon the best option are the xbows, due toi the fact that there are some of them that grant extra attack (up to 4!!) that compensate the reduced number of attack of the class; so at the end the free proficiency are not of great use.

Finally you have the two extra will saving throw (plus sleep immunity) against a free feats: well the free feat can be iron will so compensating will s.t., but better options could be luck of heroes, +2 to fortitude saves, and best extra spell focus: you can start the game with two points in spell focus evocation!!! your cromatic orb will rock from the beginning!!!!

Human is a much more powerful choice, but the game is also (?) a RPG so....

Regarding the ECL races they are powerfull, expecially if you plan to go in HoF mode, where the lev. penalty fade and their race strength shine.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 10:42 am
by Mondrin
Your points are all quite valid. I admit that as I'm playing the game I do find myself not using melee weapons (or if I do I have a great staff) and using my crossbow a good percentage of the time. I do find the extra DEX to be good but admit that more hits are very beneficial as well. Since my thief is my diplomat I need not worry about skills.

Were I to start over I would probably just pick a human, but I modeled the guy after a character of mine who was an elven wizard so I wanted to stay true to him in at least some respects.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 11:05 am
by lompo
No problem, that should still be a RPG; in one of my group I used a w.elf for a fighter/ranger/rogue built, definetly not efficient, but I wanted to have and elven scout/archer.