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Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2003 2:02 pm
by alterre
ok folks i bribed sotthilde till shes 100. still will only discuss code book but not give it to me. i can whack her but then i have to kill all the other thieves. thus ending up with a 7000bounty and expelled from thieves guild. is there an easier solution to this

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:13 am
by Obike Fixx
Have you tried taunting her?
That always seems to work for me... Of course you need to have some Personality to succeed.
What about intimidation? I have never tried it, but it could make her give you the book.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:08 am
by cjdevito
If you're a member of the thieves guild and the fighters guild, you cannot talk Sottilde into giving you the codebook. Your choices are the following:

1. Kill her, with the results you've already seen.
2. Taunt her into attacking you, so you can kill her and not have any negative consequences.
3. Steal the book from her (difficult to impossible without a high security and sneak skill).
4. Ignore the quest as being too morally dubious. There are enough morally okay Fighter's quests from other quest givers to get you to the top of the guild without going farther along on Eydis' quests.
5. Console in the codebook. I don't know it's ID offhand, though, so you'd have to look in the editor.