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Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2001 4:19 pm
by Cloak
This is my 5th time playing the game and I decided to try a Ranger/Thief. However to my disgust you can't duel class as one. So I decided on a Fighter/Thief instead.

Can anyone tell me whats the best level to duel to a thief.


Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2001 4:48 pm
by Ajax
9th is the standard level in BG2 to dual from a fighter into something else. at 9th level you will max out on the rolling a d10 for hit points at level ups, get a total of 7 weap profs, and have a good THAC0 to actualy hit things on you backstabs once you become a level 10 thief.

The only problem is waiting until your party gets 160k xps times the number of characters in your group so you can get your skills back

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2001 4:54 pm
by Cloak
Ok, thanks.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2001 5:11 pm
by Bruce Lee
Berserker dualed at level 9 is a really solid character.

Proud member of the Brotherhood of the woods.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2001 3:44 am
by Gruntboy

I say, do it the other way around.

You can max out important thief skills at 5, 6 or 7. Then you can develop all the live long day as a fighter. Image

The most common option seems to be a berserker/kensai dualled at 9 to get the lvl 9 weapon prof. And from then on HP only go up +3 or whatever anyway.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2001 8:37 am
by Radek
I don't think fighter/THIEF is a good idea. Well, you get better thac0 (the fighter's one) and more HP, but:
1. You get a super-thief with 100 for most thief abilities. Unless you are a backstabber, where in the game do you need him? What cannot be done with a low level thief + Potions of Master Thievery?
2. The thief has bad saving throws (only a mage has worse ones). Your saving throws will not improve because level 9 fighter has better saving throws than level 20 thief.
3. Your thac0 will not improve for the same reason as sub 2.
Unless you are a backstabber, do not create fighter/THIEF. Unless you are a backstabber, the better solutions are:
1. Mixed class fighter/thief. With exp. cap remover, you get a good fighter and a good thief in the end. Also, your fighter/thief will have infravision. Disadvantage: it will take a while before you get a good fighter and a good thief.
2. Dual class swashbuckler/FIGHTER. Perhaps, the best solution for non-backstabbers. Raise Find Traps and Pick Locks to 110 and give the rest to Pickpocket. Dual immediately. You obtain an excellent fighter with excellent Find Traps and Pick Lock abilities. With a Potion of Master Thievery (you can use it), you can pick pockets. Disadvantages: cannot backstab and low number of HP. The second disadvantage is neutralized partially by the fact that you get 3 HP every time you level up.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2001 9:47 am
by RiPPeR
radek is right, but if you are a backstabber choose a pure assassin , i tested a fighter dualed to thief at level 9/22 has the same base thac0 of a level 23 assassin Image

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2001 10:07 am
by Ajax
If your going from swahbuckler to anything else, dual at 10th level. Every five levels your AC and THAC0 improve, so stick it out for the extra 71k XPs.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2001 10:35 am
by Nighthawk
If you are dualing Fighter to Thief, I recommend level 13, not 9 --- unless you're soloing.

The advantage of dualing fighter to thief is that you can be a Kensai or Berzerker for the fighter.

Kensai: Maximum damage on your backstabs with Kai. Dualed to thief can still wear the Shadow Armor you get from Mae'var.

Berzerker: Enrage -- 'nuff said.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2001 3:28 am
by Radek
@Ajax: It's wrong. Your fighter part will beat the thief's thac0 very soon. Waiting to level 10 means:
1. You lose HP (level 9 fighter)
2. You get a bit better thac0 temporarily.
3. You get AC +1.
I think the loss of HP isn't worth of AC +1.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2001 9:33 pm
by Vyeres
Radek: I just finished the game with my Swashbuckler/Fighter lvl 10/19 and too few hitpoints were never an issue. I finished the game with about 104 hitpoints and an armor class of -15 while dual wielding. Granted, there must be an AC bug with the swashbuckler/figter because I have an extra -3 armor class that I can only explain as my 10th level swashbuckler bonus applied twice.

I also discovered that the Kundane shortsword with the zero speedfactor adds an extra attack a round. Since I am a grandmaster in swordsword I get 9/2 attacks a round while dual-weilding Kundane. If you use the bracers of blinding strike then that's 9 attacks a round. *smile* 104 hitpoints is plenty when you hit 9 times a round. And I only miss with a critical miss these days.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2001 9:36 pm
by Vyeres
Radek: I just finished the game with my Swashbuckler/Fighter lvl 10/19 and too few hitpoints were never an issue. I finished the game with about 104 hitpoints and an armor class of -15 while dual wielding. Granted, there must be an AC bug with the swashbuckler/figter because I have an extra -3 armor class that I can only explain as my 10th level swashbuckler bonus applied twice.

I also discovered that the Kundane shortsword with the zero speedfactor adds an extra attack a round. Since I am a grandmaster in swordsword I get 9/2 attacks a round while dual-weilding Kundane. If you use the bracers of blinding strike then that's 9 attacks a round. *smile* 104 hitpoints is plenty when you hit 9 times a round. And I only miss with a critical miss these days.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2001 12:39 pm
by Craig
Rember dueling is BUGGED this happened with anomen not the stats but he dueled at lvl 7 BEFORE the hitpoints go low(1 per lvl) so he continues geting hitpoint after the other class becomes activ!!!

My soul may be warped by evil;My conscious by bribe, but the true path has never vanished for i have Just heart and kind way.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2001 2:52 pm
by Bruce Lee
Something weird happens when dualing. In my game as a berserker dualed to thief I had 6 enrage when it should have been three. This happens sometimes. Dont know why but hey I am not complaining Image

Proud member of the Brotherhood of the woods.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2001 10:00 pm
by Cloak
Can anyone tell me whats the best eq for a Fighter Mage? I just got the Shadow Armor from Mae'var, but my Kensi/thief can't wear it.

Also is it possible for me to have two strongholds at the same time? I have the fighter stronghold already, so am I entitled to get the thief stronghold as well.