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A few basic questions

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2003 1:47 am
by Arian
I did notice the yellow pages thread but it isn´t much use to me: I have a TERRIBLE net connection and this seems to be the only site that works fast enough so:

I have only seen a few features and screenshots of the game but I´d like some additional information, little things that are important to me.

1.The character basics: What abilities and attributes can I adjust? Can I alter my characters appearance or are they race spesific, like female and male appearance only? How do the birthsigns work? Also can I choose a class to my character? (I hope not because I got sick of classes after playing Baldur´s Gate 1&2 and Icewind Dale 1&2 over and over...I prefer Fallout-like games with a limitless character creation possibilities...well almost limitless.)

2.In-game: I am willing to create a Robin Hood-like female wood elf thief/scout. I steal from bad guys etc. A sneaky and agile (fast,acrobatic...) with a deadly crossbow and short blades (Illidan in Warcraft 3 is so awesome). Words and persuasion are also important to me. How should I create my character? (No level up help.)

3.Monsters: Dragons? Goblins? What kind of monsters are there?(Not too many,I don´t want spoilers.) I´ve got the impression that Morrowind has a little different fantasy world than usual...

Those are the things I´d like to know. I could ask more but there´s nothing more fascinating than to get familiar with a totally new game.

2 more questions came to mind:

*Can I dual-wield two small blades?
*I´ve read that you can play both on 1st person and 3rd person. Can I play only with the other or must I switch between them? I´d prefer playing Tomb Raider-like...

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2003 9:33 am
by Straydog
To your latter questions, no you cant dualwield in Morrowind. There is plug-in that gives you weaponset that looks like dual, lefthand weapon acting as shield. Second, you can awitch during the play both 1st/3rd-person view at will. :cool:

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2003 12:26 pm
by cjdevito
1. Each character has physical stats plus skills. The starting levels of each depend on race, class and gender. Each race has multiple portraits/hair styles for each gender; some races only have about a half dozen of each, others have several dozen. Further, there are many mods out there that add additional heads and hairstyles. Birthsigns are a customization tool, depending on which one you pick your character gets a variety of bonuses and/or penalties. You can choose a class, or build one you like from scratch (each class has 10 important skills, building a class basically allows you to select which skills you want to specialize in). All characters can build any skill, whether it's a class skill or not.

2. Create a custom class with the relevent skills. Marksman, shortblade, speechcraft, sneak, etc.

3. Far easier to direct you to the elder scrolls site then to try and explain several dozen monsters to you here, I'm afraid.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:27 am
by Arian

I´ve always tried to create a character close to myself and I began to wonder which birthsign to pick.
The Lady gives personality (and endurance) but the horse thing (can´t remember the name) gives speed. They are equal when considering roleplay and so I really can´t deside. A fast fighter is always plus but a smooth talker with charms....
Can I alter the physical attributes in the game? Give points to abilities like increase strenght or so?Then I could balance both speed and personality...

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:41 am
by Straydog
When you level up, you get to distribute 3 "coins" to attributes, and also get modifiers based on skills you rised. For example getting short blade skill rises, and leveling up, you can get up to x5 modifier to speed attribute. So, depending what skills you develop, you can rise three attributes from 1 to 5 points every level up. Around level 50 or so, you get only one coin, and no multiplier.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:55 am
by cjdevito
...and I began to wonder which birthsign to pick.

It's really just personal preference, but from a power perspective three are much more useful then the others.

1. The Lady. 50 extra stat points, with 25 of them in endurance (which will increase your HP at level up time). Very nice early in the game, but pretty much redundent towards late-game when you'd have all your stats maxed on their own, anyway.

2. The Apprentice. A good boost to mana, but the 50% magic vulnerability is a severe trade off. Only reason to take this one is if you just really, really don't like....

3. The Atronarch. Highest mana boost modifier, 50% spell absorption. The price is that you cannot regenerate mana by resting, you can only regain it by absorbing it from spells cast at you. There are workarounds for this.... take conjuration as a major skill and you'll start the game with the summon ancestor ghost spell. When you start to run low on mana, summon an ancestor ghost, whack it til it goes hostile on you, then absorb the spells it casts on you. Repeat as neccessary. Eventually, have an enchanter create a magic item that summons these guys when you use it, so that even if you're completely out of mana you can still get a recharge going.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 8:09 am
by Arian
So how about the dialogue and NPC AI....If there is a speech craft skill then talking has a meaning of course but how "deep" are NPC´s reactions? Is it like in Outcast where there are tons of citizens walking along streets and you can ask them for direction or some basic stuff? Or is it more like in BG2 and Fallout where you can widely choose what you want to say? it possible to meet real friends or even have a romance with someone?People were thrilled about the romancing ability in BG2.I wasn´t.Being a femaleI had Anomen only and he is so... :p

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 12:23 pm
by Straydog
NPC interaction is pretty repetitive in my opinion, also only "romance", if you can call it that, is with female Khajjit monk.
Again plug-ins can help to that, with giving more npc reaction answers. Also romancing á la PG2 is pretty much out. *sigh*
I really did miss Jaheira and her sharp wit. :D :p

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 3:28 pm
by cjdevito
NPC interaction is limited to clicking from a list of available topics, with the occasional branching dialogue where the PC makes choices.

Some of the dialogue is pretty good, some isn't, but the majority of it is simply generic.

Romance? Well, there's the mentioned Khajit, Ahnassi, who is really just there to give you a short series of quests if you want them. If you're female, there's a dark elf who will steal a kiss -- but that's the extent of how far things go with him. There are mods that significantly add to this aspect of the game, if that's your sort of thing.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 4:45 am
by Bloodstalker
Originally posted by Arian
So how about the dialogue and NPC AI....If there is a speech craft skill then talking has a meaning of course but how "deep" are NPC´s reactions? Is it like in Outcast where there are tons of citizens walking along streets and you can ask them for direction or some basic stuff? Or is it more like in BG2 and Fallout where you can widely choose what you want to say? it possible to meet real friends or even have a romance with someone?People were thrilled about the romancing ability in BG2.I wasn´t.Being a femaleI had Anomen only and he is so... :p

If that means you though Anomen was a weenie, I extend a hearty and enthusuastic welcome to the board :D If you liked Anomen, I still welcome you, though somewhat less heartily in my mistaken interpretation. ;)

The dialog at times gets to feel like a lot to wade through. Though taking into consideration the expanse of the world, and how many quests, people, and places there are, they did do a good job of limiting the NPC's knowledge so you never have 1000 option per window :eek:

You can do a little more than just ask for directions(like ask some people about some local history, advice, etc.), but after awhile, if you're like me, you'll get most of your learning about the world from the tons of books laying around. :)