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Swashbuckler dualed to Archer (with SK)

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 4:57 am
by Kaitsuburi
A question for all you hardcore SK users:

My goal is to create a Swashbuckler dualled to Archer (the Generic Archer kit from one of the mods). I've always been wondering about this -- in SK in the Characteristics-Kit you can specify only one kit (in this case it would be the Swashbuckler, right?) is there a way to add the characteristics from the second kit (archer)?

I know you can add a kit's Innate abilities, but that doesn't port over the rest of the second kit's bonuses, i.e. thaco, ac, and in this case missile weapon bonuses (if possible I would like to get the elven racial bonuses too).

Please enlighten me!

O, User - Exalted Master of Cheese, a call to you... :o

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:03 am
by ARcheR_S_
I'm not sure how you do such a thing.
I believe I got a message from UserU.......and I also believe there has been a post about such a thing before.
I have too check

The problem is, (I believe) is that you can't dual an Archer. I think its only possible to multi.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 6:56 am
by Enil
No - the main problem is that you can't dual TO a kit. You can dual an Archer to a Cleric (in fact the only dual combination allowed).

Dualling a Swashbuckler to an Archer would involve dualling from one kit to another.

I think adding the innate abilities in via SK is going to be your best bet, because as you quite correctly point out, SK only allows you 1 kit.

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:44 am
by Kaitsuburi
Thanks for the advice

I guess going back to creating my swashbuckler/archer, i guess i have to manually hack in the thaco & damage bonuses not only at the offset but each time as the character levels up to a certain level. hmm. I guess adding the special ability manually will give the special effects of called shot if you do it for a high enough level -- can anyone verify this??

Hmm, it sounds like too much of a hassle :rolleyes: . Also not to get the character stupidly overpowered I have to take into account the thaco & damage bonuses of a regular fighter (what I've really dualled into) as he levels up. Further, the manually added thaco & strength would apply to all weapons regardless, right? i guess there is no simple way to add the former to missile weapons only...

Oh well. Maybe I'll just have to deal with a vanilla archer, elven of course with 19 dexterity. And perhaps give him the custom portrait/sound set of Legolas from LoTR movies :cool: