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URGENT HELP: Tribunal Trueflame

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:39 pm
by MorrwindLord
Hello..i am at the part where you must get the piece of the shield from the museum curator

i have given the dagger of symmachus and need i more item
i however can not find one can someone please tell me the location of one! or give me the ID of the trueflame get and id place the sword on the ground then press ~ this will bring up the console...while in console mode click on the sword on the ground and at the top of console will be and id..thats all i need. thank you oh soo much if you can help!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 8:04 pm
by j0ckser
SLOW DOWN! Chill out. Relax. :D

All of the items the the Museum Curator wants are ones that you pick on your travels and quests in Vvardenfell. If you haven't done them, you may be in over your head.

The sequence is:
- get the three pieces of the shattered sword
- take them to the smith in the Craftsman's Hall
- relax, take a vacation, for 2 days, and he'll hand you the sword (you don't even have to pay for it!)
- follow his directions about adding "flame" to it.
- return to Almalexia.