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Slave pod
Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 6:10 am
by Fairmaiden
I went to Tel Aruhn to get the slave girl who's gonna pretend to be a Telvanni princess for the Zainab chief bloke but I can't get the door open to her slave pod.
The slave mistress gave me the key and the door is now unlocked but it won't open so I can't get her out.
Any ideas?
Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:15 pm
by Fairmaiden
Originally posted by UncleScratchy
Did you already give the slave owner the set of exquisite clothing and Telvanni bug musk? Are you sure you have the key for the right slave and not one of the others? If you didn't do the clothing/bug musk thing then you probably just have bought yourself a useless slave as only the one slave girl will satisfy the quest.
Yes, yes - I got the exquisite clothes and the bug musk and have the right slave! Her door has been unlocked by the key.
I've never opened of these slave pod doors before - which direction do they open in? Maybe I'm standing too near to it for it to open or something.
@ Uncle Scratchy: How come your post-count has gone down?!
Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:21 pm
by Loredweller
I have met the mentioning about the problem alike (on this forum, BTW). Actually the slave girl, as it was said, was blocking the door standing in wrong place. Have you tried rc (or whatever the "reset characters" command is)?
Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 6:16 am
by Fairmaiden
Well, it sorted itself out, thanks!
I had gone off to do another quest and returned to Tel Aruhn where I found the door had at last opened.
So it must've been a case of either I was physically blocking the opening of the door or the slave girl was.
Originally posted by UncleScratchy
I did some house cleening. Now my posts are set to self-destruct mode.
LOL! How very tidy of you.