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the sunken Shrine of Boethiah and Goldbrand (posible spoiler)

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 8:28 am
by Dr Starch
I cant seem to find the sunken shrine of Boethiah, the shrine is suposed to be located underwater at northwest of Hla Oad. It's the X on the map.
Waterwalked all over the the place where the X is, but no shrine found. Am I looking at the wrong place or do I need to search underwater, usually you can se a smal yellow square on your map if you pass over the entrence to a "dungeon".
Is there someone out ther who has found the sunken shrine?

You are suposed to get a quest at the shrine that will get you the sword Goldbrand..

Dr S

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 7:12 am
by Straydog
Temple is underwater, and you need to speak with the head so you can get the quest. Better have swift swim or breath water handy.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:16 pm
by Scayde
there is a Daedric ruin on an island off the tip of a chain of islands connected by plank bridges north of Hla Oad. If you stand in the doorway of this shrine, and face north, out to sea, it is about 150 meters off shore as the crow flies. You will need water breathing. The best way is with an enchanted amulet or belt or something, with permanent effect water breathing/swift swim. Instant SCUBA gear :D

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 3:12 pm
by Moonshadow101
theres no square because aa square marks the entrance to something, and the shrine is totaly outdoors. there is no door to walk into the shrine.