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Chahopek the Guardian

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 7:53 am
by Stilgar
I realy need some help/advice to help me defeat Chahopec in the jungle of chapter 5.
This bugger keeps killing all my characters, and I can't get him any deader then hurt.

I have in my party:

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 10:23 am
by Aremah
While I am definitely not an expert on IWD2, and it's only my first time playing IWD2 (currently Dragon's Eye, level four), I have to say that I've been reading several forums for an answer to this one problem I had, and I've seen numerous people complaining about the Guardian. Personally, I've had no considerable problems getting rid of him. Granted, I'm playing on normal - HoF could be a different story, but I've yet to find out.

Sure, he's tough, and no, I didn't kill him the first time around. It was the third or fourth time, actually, but then again I have this thing that makes me re-load upon any single character dying (I absolutely have to have any and all experience that can be gained and I can't help it).

Anyways, upon encountering him, my party was lvl 13 (every member), including a Fighter, a Barbarian, a Ranger (archer), a Rogue, a Cleric (Lathander) and a Sorcerer. I buffed everyone up with everything I had (including Stone Skin and Improved Invisibility on the melee characters) and called him forth. I attacked with everyone (all ranged except the fighter and barbarian) while casting spells with the Sorcerer and casting the Cleric heal spell (don't remember the name; the one that instantly brings a character up to full health) when needed. For my Ranger and Rogue, I had a bunch of those arrows that are considered +5 for the purposes of hitting resistant enemies, but didn't need to use them (just used Everlast Arrows with Fast Shot). The melee did a lot of damage, but also took a lot. But the character that really shined in that battle was the Sorcerer. It could be because I am totally crazy about evocation spells, so I had both Magic Talents in that area, and two points in Piercing Magic at that time. I cast one Lower Resistance spell on Chahopec and started firing away with Magic Missles and Mordekainen's Missles. Not a single bolt missed (and I believe it's because of the feats). It was one of the longest fights I've had so far, with much healing/retreating so he would focus on the other melee char, but it wasn't really hard, just repetitous.

I'll say this again - I'm playing on normal. After normal I'll jump straight into HoF, but for now, I have no idea how the difficulty is scaled above normal.

And no, my signature was written before I saw Stilgar's; I've been using it for a while now on various forums :cool:

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 4:15 pm
by Stilgar
Thanks for the advice, will try it (although it doens't add much except to concentrate more on magic (haven't tried lower resistance and improved invisibility), I also play on normal mode (and it's my first run)
but I won't have the chance to play again untill sunday/monday.

Someone else has some other tips?

PS. welcome the the board, and nice sig! :D :D :D

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 4:21 pm
by Aremah
Thanks. Still looking for an adequate avatar, though ;)

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 4:41 pm
by Stilgar
Originally posted by Aremah
Thanks. Still looking for an adequate avatar, though ;)
If you're looking for an avatar, just look for a picture you like an resize it to 50x50 with paint or photoshop (or any other program).
If you're not very good with these program's, I think some people in the Speak You're Mind (SYM) forum will be happy to help you.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 5:41 pm
by Aremah
It's not that I don't know how, I just haven't found the right picture yet :) Anyways, this is becoming a bit off-topic...

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 5:57 pm
by koz-ivan
Originally posted by Stilgar
Thanks for the advice, will try it (although it doens't add much except to concentrate more on magic (haven't tried lower resistance and improved invisibility), I also play on normal mode (and it's my first run)
but I won't have the chance to play again untill sunday/monday.

Someone else has some other tips?

PS. welcome the the board, and nice sig! :D :D :D

i've always just disintigrated him. (sf/gsf tranmutation helps a bit) as doe malaison / lower resistance / despair ect.

after 2-3 tries he should fail a save.

if you are really lucky you can have him engage your sorc (protect w/ mirror image) and you won't even run out of images...

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 4:37 am
by Stilgar
Originally posted by koz-ivan
i've always just disintigrated him. (sf/gsf tranmutation helps a bit) as doe malaison / lower resistance / despair ect.

after 2-3 tries he should fail a save.

if you are really lucky you can have him engage your sorc (protect w/ mirror image) and you won't even run out of images...

May I assume that he doesn't carry any items?
(disintergrate destorys loot to doesn't it)

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 8:39 am
by Aremah
He doesn't drop anything, not even a measly few gold pieces. The experience isn't too great either, like a regular quest reward at that point (about 2000). But killing him does give a lot of satisfaction.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:52 pm
by Locus
Extra HPs?

It took about 10 attempts but I finally killed this bugger. Iselore didn't even acknowledge my accomplishment but the portal is definitely closed. After I defeated him, all of my characters had higher max HP limits. Has this happened to anyone else? I reloaded a save from right before the battle and know positively that my HP went up.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 5:03 am
by jeremiah
Yes, you get HP and some acid resistance for characters near the Guardian when it dies.

It is much easier to position your characters on the platform portal (can't get at you) and send only ONE fast foot character to put the stelle and bait him back to your guys. With this strategy, I only had to worry about his acid breath while warriors used sure striking ammo (plus Big Death) and my magic user disintegrated him without getting hurt much (only the guy that put the stelle).