BG2 in IWD2 - dream come true?
Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 10:34 am
I've been given, after some discussion, a go-ahead by Buck Satan to start this thread. Before I say anything, though, I want to clarify (for the sake of formality): I am in no way associated with the author of the mod I'm about to describe, and I am not trying to advertise his site. I stumbled onto it only a few days ago and I found the general idea very exciting, and decided to share.
I've yet to finish IWD2 (Severed Hand at the moment) for the first time, and I know I'll finish it a second time and maybe a third in HoF mode... If I don't get totally bored after the second one. IWD2 is the pinnacle of the Infinity engine's possibilities, and the third edition rules are what makes it so compelling to me (had they been the same rules used in BG2, I would probably have quit playing somewhere around mid-game, just as it happened with IWD). The third edition is great from a P&P point of view; the game itself doesn't use a lot of it's potential possibilities (especially since it's just hack-and-slash basically). Anyhow - 3ed is the only thing keeping me playing IWD2, because the storyline is so simple and linear it hurts, and the side quests that consist of talk to this guy here, go kill that guy there, return to the previous guy are hardly quests at all. I'm guessing there are at least some people who share this dillema.
I'm also guessing that most of the people visiting this forum have played the BG series (I have recently finished BG2 + ToB for the third time), and I'll also go out on a limb and say most, if not all, of them loved it. I know I did. With the third edition of D&D rules out, however, the BG series has become a bit obsolete. Especially since (I can't stress this enough) the 3ed rules are a huge and brilliant improvement over past ones.
And it got me thinking... what would BG2 (the story we know and love, the NPCs we love and hate, the items, etc.) be like if it was made under 3ed rules? What if it was made upon the best Infinity engine release out there - IWD2? I can say without any doubt, that if such a possibility arised - I would gladly go out and pay a lot of money for the game I already know inside out, just to have the mentioned goodies implemented. Wouldn't you? But that won't happen (as far as I know).
And that was that, until, by absolute accident, I stumbled onto an Infinity game modding site. And I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that there is a mod in development that does exactly what I've been talking about. Better yet, it's in the Beta stage already. Isn't that great?
The link is in my signature, but just in case someone doesn't notice it down below, here it is: Icewind Gate 2. Go ahead and check it out (some info and tons of screenshots), and then come back and give me your thoughts on the matter. I'll try to bring updates on any news that might arise (then again, since I know of the site for only two days, I have no idea how fast the people involved are making progress and how often any updates are announced).
Till next time.
EDIT: Perhaps it's worth also mentioning that the mod will only use Shadows of Amn, but should it be met with enough attention, the authors will start working on Throne of Bhaal and perhaps other games as well (3ed Planescape: Torment anyone?).
I've yet to finish IWD2 (Severed Hand at the moment) for the first time, and I know I'll finish it a second time and maybe a third in HoF mode... If I don't get totally bored after the second one. IWD2 is the pinnacle of the Infinity engine's possibilities, and the third edition rules are what makes it so compelling to me (had they been the same rules used in BG2, I would probably have quit playing somewhere around mid-game, just as it happened with IWD). The third edition is great from a P&P point of view; the game itself doesn't use a lot of it's potential possibilities (especially since it's just hack-and-slash basically). Anyhow - 3ed is the only thing keeping me playing IWD2, because the storyline is so simple and linear it hurts, and the side quests that consist of talk to this guy here, go kill that guy there, return to the previous guy are hardly quests at all. I'm guessing there are at least some people who share this dillema.
I'm also guessing that most of the people visiting this forum have played the BG series (I have recently finished BG2 + ToB for the third time), and I'll also go out on a limb and say most, if not all, of them loved it. I know I did. With the third edition of D&D rules out, however, the BG series has become a bit obsolete. Especially since (I can't stress this enough) the 3ed rules are a huge and brilliant improvement over past ones.
And it got me thinking... what would BG2 (the story we know and love, the NPCs we love and hate, the items, etc.) be like if it was made under 3ed rules? What if it was made upon the best Infinity engine release out there - IWD2? I can say without any doubt, that if such a possibility arised - I would gladly go out and pay a lot of money for the game I already know inside out, just to have the mentioned goodies implemented. Wouldn't you? But that won't happen (as far as I know).
And that was that, until, by absolute accident, I stumbled onto an Infinity game modding site. And I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that there is a mod in development that does exactly what I've been talking about. Better yet, it's in the Beta stage already. Isn't that great?
The link is in my signature, but just in case someone doesn't notice it down below, here it is: Icewind Gate 2. Go ahead and check it out (some info and tons of screenshots), and then come back and give me your thoughts on the matter. I'll try to bring updates on any news that might arise (then again, since I know of the site for only two days, I have no idea how fast the people involved are making progress and how often any updates are announced).
Till next time.
EDIT: Perhaps it's worth also mentioning that the mod will only use Shadows of Amn, but should it be met with enough attention, the authors will start working on Throne of Bhaal and perhaps other games as well (3ed Planescape: Torment anyone?).