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De'arnise keep reward probs
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 10:01 pm
by Rontu Aru
I just currently finished clearing de'arnise keep for nalia, but i thought i was supposed to get 10,000gp, instead i only got 650gp, any thoughts?
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 10:19 pm
by ltldrgn1
You must have Nalia in your party while doing the keep quest for the 10000, else 650.
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 6:30 am
by Ancalon
If you have been rude to either her Aunt or that peasant guy (despener or something) she will only reward you with 650 or 1000 IIRC.
Not having Nalia in your party while doing the D'Arnise Hold will have the same effect as above.