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Fixing Oswalds ship

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 8:34 pm
by Callahan
I've completed chapter 2 except for fixing Oswald's air ship and going to talk to Nat again.
I've gotten all the parts needed, and put them on the table but I can't get Oswald to talk about it other than to try to send me out to get the items. What trigger do I need to have him acknowledge the items? I'm about ready to leave him to figure it out on his own. Will the game even let me do that and are there any consequences for not competing this quest?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 11:47 pm
by Stilgar
If I remember correctly I gave the items to someone else, and he went to Oswald to fix his ship,
but I can't remember who it was.
I believe the same person who opens the icewall for you

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 12:45 am
by Callahan
Thanks for the reply, I finally figured that out. I had to talk to Nate and give him the items to fix the ship. Kind of unusual, since I got the quest directly from Oswald.