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Ending one romance, beginning another?
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 1:15 pm
by Olaf the Hairy
Okay, I had Aerie and Jaheira in my party for a while. I pursude the Aerie romance for a bit, but the most adventurous thing I've said to her was either you're attractive or i rather like aerie (to jaheira) to which Jaheira said she wouldn't bother me any more. Now I've got rid of Jaheira and replaced her with Viconia - who I want to start a romance with. Only thing is her dialogues haven't begun yet, and even resting many many times doesn't initiate them. If it's a factor, i didn't get viconia immediately either, i waited and picked her up in the graveyard after starting the aerie romance. Is it too late to romance viconia? Or will i have to tell aerie to shut up before i can? I want both her and viconia in my party.
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 1:32 pm
by IHateUsernames
you have to tell aerie to back off before you can start a new romance
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 3:36 pm
by Nuke
You must realize that these two hate each other to the point they both will leave the party to duel to death.
Unless you have some files that can fix that you cannot use em both in a party.
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 6:00 pm
by DrSlikk
If u tell Viconia, or any possilbe love-interest to wait for you (i.e do not take them immediately), then you stop the romance script from starting and are, quite frankly, screwed. Your best bet is to reset the script timers with a CLUA command or with SK. I'm sure the more techno-savy forum members will be able to enlighten you on how to do that.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 2:35 am
by Coot
A little off-subject: Aerie and Viconia won't necessarily scratch each other's eyes out while being in your pc's party. I've had Viccy, Aerie and Keldorn (and even Valygar for a while) together and aside from a few nasty insults nothing happened.
It might have something to do with the fact that I kept my rep around 13. Or it might not, some people say these inner-party conflicts start at random.