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Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 8:23 am
by Tsunami
Iam making a sorcerer (drow) but iam not sure if i shoudl go for a plain sorcer or 2 lvls of paladin of charisma bonusess and imunity to fear and fear aura.Or should i go for a bard /sorcerer?
Stats feats would be welcome

Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 2:13 am
by Mirk
a drow sorc/paladin will have his xp penalized, since neither is his favorit class. so would a sorc/bard. this will add to the drow's already slow advance.

if you have a small party (3 or less, i thimk), this might work...

if you want a pal/sorc go for human or aasimar, for bard/sorc, go for human. there's pros and cons to each, it's up to you.

my suggestion would be to go for the bard1/sorc. i have a bard1/mage, with lingering song feat - works pretty nice. the 2 pla levels are a better addition to a frontliner a spellcaster, imho.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 3:07 am
by Stilgar
I would keep the spellcaster classes (sorcerer/wizzard) plain classes.
Cause you want the highlevel spells ASAP.
Also sorcerers make great leaders cause charaisma is their prime stat, and with a little int. you get lot's of skills.
And spellcraft isn't realy important cause you don't need to scribe scrolls.

But if you want to multiclass I agree with Mirk, try not to get an exp.penalty.

Doens't a gnome/elf sub-race have a sorcerer as faforiteclass?

Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 7:33 am
by smass
Wild elf has sorcerer as preferred class.

A wild elf paladin/sorcerer would be a bit of an rp stretch....but it would work. :)

Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 8:44 am
by lonely wolf
Originally posted by Stilgar
I would keep the spellcaster classes (sorcerer/wizzard) plain classes.
Cause you want the highlevel spells ASAP.
Also sorcerers make great leaders cause charaisma is their prime stat, and with a little int. you get lot's of skills.
And spellcraft isn't realy important cause you don't need to scribe scrolls.

But if you want to multiclass I agree with Mirk, try not to get an exp.penalty.

Doens't a gnome/elf sub-race have a sorcerer as faforiteclass?
I agree with you so much, that I can't even explain that... :D

a wild elf would be fine, though every race that can fit the sorcerer's abilities would be great. :)

Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 8:48 am
by Tsunami
you get level x spells at level 2x with a sorcerer with a drow this will be 2x+2 ,so a drow is very good for sorcer

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 4:12 pm
by Xyx
Sorcerer could use 10 ranks of Spellcraft to get the Aqua Mortis/Spirit of the Flame/Aegis of Rime/Scion of Storms feats. Not half bad, those.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 7:23 pm
by Sucineri
Yes, those are fun feats..on my wizard I have the fire one and I am all like "lemme go and cast me some stoneskin, mirror image, shield, haste, fireshield, and globe of invuln" and then I'm all walkin into a group of baddies and I say "Hey you, baddie types, come here, I have something to show you.." and they are all like "Hey, you shouldn't be here, but we will follow you anyway" and then I am all like "BOOM!" and I throw out me some of them big ole sunfires and toast everything and then scream and run like a girl when the only things that are left are immy to fire.