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A Couple of 3E Questions

Posted: Thu May 22, 2003 8:29 am
by Locus
Just a couple of quick questions regarding 3rd Edition:

1.) If I have a Ranger in my party, does it make sense to give him feats in Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon Fighting? My hunch is that he does get a benefit. Can anyone confirm that?

2.) What are the max number of spells a wizard can learn per level? I'm not talking about the number of spells wizards can have memorized. I'm talking about a wizard's spellbook. Under AD&D, the number of spells a wizard could have in his spellbook depended upon his INT. (Recall that wizards with below 18 INT couldn't write 9th level spells into their books but I believe could cast them from scrolls.) I see tables in the manual appendix showing this information for other classes but not wizards. Can I assume that I can write as many spells into my spellbooks as I find?

Thanks in advance for the answers!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2003 8:44 am
by Gruntboy
In answer to 1)

The ranger gets ambidxtrous and 2 weapon fighting for free when wearing no or light armour.

Therefore, adding these only allows the ranger to use limit their 2 weapon fighting penalties when wearing medium or heavy armours.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 12:41 am
by lonely wolf
IIRC, a wizard can have unlimited number of spells in his spellbook. can someone confirm this?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 7:08 am
by Locus
I thought only mages with INT of 18 or more had unlimited spellbooks. Mages with less had limits as to how many spells could be written into their spellbooks. That's why in BG so many people wanted Edwin in their party. He was the only 18 INT NPC in the entire series.