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Good luck to all with exams

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 2:10 am
by Recoba
Hi everyone,

Just to say good luck to anyone taking exams now or soon, be it university, college, highers, A's etc. After four years of uni exams I know how hard it can be.




Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 2:15 am
by Maharlika
I second that... my case, I would like to add those who are into their postgrad studies and preparing for their comprehensive exams, both oral and written. :)

Been a while, Recoba. Nice to see you here again. :cool:

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 2:16 am
by Recoba
@Maharlika - Hi there

Sorry it has been so long - I was living somewhere with no internet connection for about 4 months (barbarians :( )and as such limited in posting. But i am back, hopefully for good now :)

How r things?


Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 2:20 am
by Maharlika
Back to reality for me again... classes started this week. So far my new students are still well behaved. Wait till we surpass the honey moon stage. :D

You taking postgrad studies now or are you still at uni?

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 2:24 am
by Recoba
Big wide world of work now


After 4 years at university I have decided to make a big step and join a Company. Going ok, miss the long holidays though :( , Anyway, I was fed up of having no money :D


Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 2:30 am
by Maharlika
Originally posted by Recoba

After 4 years at university I have decided to make a big step and join a Company. Going ok, miss the long holidays though :( , Anyway, I was fed up of having no money :D

Recoba least the nice thing about being a teacher is that you get a lot of holidays at work. When students are on holiday so are the teachers. :cool: --- and we still get paid even during summer vacation. :D

Plan to take Master's in the near future?

edit- later, Recoba - work in 5 minutes - nice to see you back though. :)

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 10:37 am
by Xandax
Have just handed in my exame paper for this year - worked 28 hours staight up to the deadline today :) (lousy organisation and effort from my group, so I had to do most myself)

Next up is 4 exames where I fear - yes fear - one, over the course of the next month or so.

After these 4 exames I have only my master-equvivalent paper left wich is a 3 month periode from august to october.... and then - presto - I can join the ranks of the unemployed........ unless I find another education to start on :D (maybe I should finish/restart my economics)

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 11:04 am
by Recoba
@Xandax - hmm a group project you end up doing yourself - sounds familiar. :) As well as doing all the organising (due to general apathy) it also turned out that I was the only one who could do much of the hard stuff. doh! Hope everything goes okay with the rest of your studies. At least your printer didnt overheat and breakdown (guess whos did!)

@Maharlika - already done a MSc to go with my BEng :) i think i have enough qualifications for a bit :)



Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 12:56 pm
by Xandax
Originally posted by Recoba
@Xandax - hmm a group project you end up doing yourself - sounds familiar. :) As well as doing all the organising (due to general apathy) it also turned out that I was the only one who could do much of the hard stuff. doh! Hope everything goes okay with the rest of your studies. At least your printer didnt overheat and breakdown (guess whos did!)

The price one pays for being fairly good at all the subjects involved.
Every decision apparently had to go through me - everything from contact to the company with whom we worked to design of the cover for the paper.

I don't mind such a position, but when the hour strikes 7am and you have worked constantly since 8am the morning before, with writing half of the rapport, and you know you max have 5 more hours. Then I wouldn't mind some initiative from the prople I work with :)

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 1:13 pm
by Recoba
@Xandax - wow that was not as bad as mine - at least i slept the night before! (a bit)

hope everything works out :)


Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 4:24 pm
by Xandax
Well - it is not like I'm satisfied with what we have handed in, but I don't recal ever beeing satisfied with a project I have done.

My ambition is (way :D ) to high for what is possible in the periodes of time we have at our disposal for such projects.

I want to work with the fun stuff, but often you have to go through the boring first to get to it - and then time is of the essence :D

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 4:59 pm
by Vicsun
Heh, I'm doing 'O' Levels and GCSE's at the moment... Three more weeks with an exam (or two) every day. Can't say I'm overly stressed as I find most of the stuff quite easy, but it's annoying. Thanks for wishing me good luck ;)

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 6:04 pm
by Recoba
@Vicsun - no worries it was the least i could do :)


Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 6:44 pm
by frogus
GCSEs for me too...

So cheers, and I hope everyone else does well.

Do it for your online brothers and sisters, people.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 8:25 pm
by Zelgadis
My finals start tomorrow and continue up until friday... luckily I only have to take them for three of my six classes, one exam a day, all of them for my easiest classes :D

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 3:10 am
by Mr Sleep
Re: Big wide world of work now
Originally posted by Recoba
I was fed up of having no money :D

I hear that :)

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 10:43 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Cheers for the well wishes, and of course good luck to everyone else out there who has exams coming up.
Fortunately, I only have 2 left myself.