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Firesuit - a custom item set is released (v1.1)

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 5:26 am
by Vedran
This is a WeiDU mod. Download it here.

Throne of Bhaal is required. Next versions will probably be enabled for SoA-only players as well.

It contains five custom items (amulet, robe, belt, ioun stone and gloves) that, when equipped simultaneously, grant additional effect to the character.

The set is made for mages and bards, so the effects include improved casting speed and additional spell slots. There is some AC improvement and large fire resistance boost (thus the name).
There is also a negative effect: cold resistance is significantly lowered. And of course, you have to spend five slots, which means that you cannot wear some powerful items.

I am not sure if it is overpowered or not, that's why I need testers.

The set will most certainly be a part of a larger mod.

Anyone who comes with a constructive idea, bug/error report or anything noteworthy, will be mentioned in credits part of readme file.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 5:40 am
by UncleScratchy
I went through the ReadMe file for the mod but it doesn't say anything about how you obtain the new items. Do you find them in a quest, buy them from a shop or hack them into the game?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 7:20 am
by Vedran
Well, uh, hack :( (it is mentioned under installation heading). I will add it to a store, or make a new one. It's only that I never have edited stores, so I need some time to find out how.

By the way, why is my sig flag not showing? I put img tags as I should.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 8:18 am
by fable
@Vedran, welcome to the GB forum. When your mod is finished, I suggest you also put a copy under the BG Reference Crossroads, at the top of the page. Since that's a sticky thread, it won't lose its place. :)

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 9:32 am
by garazdawi
Originally posted by Vedran
By the way, why is my sig flag not showing? I put img tags as I should.
You are not allowed to have pivtures in your sig in GB because of bandwidth issues.....

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 10:20 am
by Vedran
Thanks for the welcome.

I would appreciate some feedback for the mod, when you find the time :) . Thanks in advance.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 10:51 am
by UncleScratchy
Originally posted by Vedran
Well, uh, hack :( (it is mentioned under installation heading). I will add it to a store, or make a new one. It's only that I never have edited stores, so I need some time to find out how.

Sorry, I missed the CluaConsole hack instructions when I skimmed over the ReadMe. The process of adding your items to an existing store is fairly simple. I haven't messed with custom items and stores for a long time so you're going to be more up to speed on this than I am add a lot of this will be familiar to you already.

Basically here's all you have to do:

Using WinBiff, select the path to the BGII files, load the Chitin info, then extract the store file(s) you want to modify.

Using IEEP Store Maker load up that file. I usually use 'Rodger.sto' for my custom items because its easy to find (most of the store file names are extremely vague). If you use Rodger the Fence don't worry about the "Invalid Store name" entry. That just means he isn't a named establishment like 'Rodgers Sewer Emporium'.

Now just open up the 'Items Sold Here:' drop down menu, select the + sign to add a new item and type in the custom item code and a description. Then enter the quantity of that item the storekeep will carry and check the 'Identify' box (unless you want to sell it as an unidentified item which could be interesting also). The cost is determined by what you entered in the Base Price space when you made the custom item. Save it or do a TBG export and put it in your Overide folder. You may have to add the items to more than one version of the store as some of the store inventories are modified as you advance through the game chapters. Making a new storekeeper is considerably harder and requires scripting. You should be able to add it to a creature such as a lich, evil wizard or the Balor in the Underdark for example, so that it would become quest booty. Either way something as powerful as this armor set should have to be worked for or paid hansomely for so as not to spoil the game. To make it more interesting and challenging you also could put various pieces of your armor set in different stores (Rodger the Fence, Wallace of Trademeet, Bernard in the Copper Coronet, Drow merchants, etc.) so that you have to do a lot of questing and adventuring to get them all. You could put a hint in the item's 'Identified' description that the armor is one piece of a 5 piece set that was split up and scattered over the ages. Depending on where you scatter the pieces amongst stores or creatures you can ensure that someone can't obtain this stuff too early in the game. Just my thoughts. Good luck and thanks for taking the time to do stuff like this.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 2:18 pm
by Vedran
Thank you for that, uncle, I appreciate both the tutorial and the ideas.
I could manage to make a storekeeper, his dialog and script, but my problem is how to append an item to an existing store with WeiDU. Not that I have tried that...
Now when I think about it, it would be easier to make a new one than to add items. If only because I know how to do the first option better.

You just wanted to end in credits, didn't you :D ? Well, you're in for the next version. Your post is the only real reaction I have received so far :( .

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 4:04 pm
by Aubrey
You'll get more responses as soon as people try your Firesuit in the game. Be patient.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 4:53 pm
by UncleScratchy
Originally posted by Vedran
Thank you for that, uncle, I appreciate both the tutorial and the ideas.
I could manage to make a storekeeper, his dialog and script, but my problem is how to append an item to an existing store with WeiDU. Not that I have tried that...
Now when I think about it, it would be easier to make a new one than to add items. If only because I know how to do the first option better.

You just wanted to end in credits, didn't you :D ? Well, you're in for the next version. Your post is the only real reaction I have received so far :( .

If you make a new merchant I would suggest a gnome somewhere in the slums district. There are a bunch of unused vendors tables there near Galen's house that he could be standing next to. I always wanted to do that for my custom gnomish items/inventions but I lost interest. Anyway downloaded the mod and used SK to add the items to Immy's inventory from an old saved game. It seems to work okay but some of descriptions should be fleshed out with a "Weight: 3
Only usable by: Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)" entry and the weights of the items. Robes go for about 3 lbs, while some gloves are 1 or 2 lbs and some Ioun stones and belts are 2 lbs (but often the weight is not mentioned at all for these types of items so there doesn't appear to be any standard practice). The necklace wouldn't have a weight.

Perhaps you could add something more to the descriptions about the protective defensive magics these items impart. Its not clear what kind of fire damage an attacker would take and under what circumstances. Something along the lines of " STATISTICS:
Fire Damage - each successful hit on the wearer inflicts 1d4 points of fire damage to the attacker" type of explanation.

The only other minor thing I noticed was that when you equip or remove the entire set your armor class doesn't change until you leave the inventory screen and reopen it. Other armor enhancing items show the bonus immediately when equipped. Can't think of what might be causing this delayed reaction, perhaps something in the scripting?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 4:00 am
by Vedran
You are right, Aubrey. I am just too eager to get a feedback.

Now when you say it, I see that I didn't alter the weights. I am working on this and on statistic text right now.

I am sorry if I am that confusing, but the heat that the suit emanates hinders attack attempts against the wearer is an excuse for AC bonus. And it is a lame excuse: Fire Elementals wouldn't be disturbed by the heat.

Inventory screen has to be closed for the effects to take place. I think that is because the game is paused, and the script (which checks if the items are equipped) doesn't go.

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 2:00 pm
by UncleScratchy
Originally posted by Vedran
You are right, Aubrey. I am just too eager to get a feedback.

Now when you say it, I see that I didn't alter the weights. I am working on this and on statistic text right now.

I am sorry if I am that confusing, but the heat that the suit emanates hinders attack attempts against the wearer is an excuse for AC bonus. And it is a lame excuse: Fire Elementals wouldn't be disturbed by the heat.

Inventory screen has to be closed for the effects to take place. I think that is because the game is paused, and the script (which checks if the items are equipped) doesn't go.

If the AC bonus represents the attack hindering effects of the suit then I'd have to say that the overall set is too weak. You have to give up far to many good stat improving items just to get 100% fire protection. There really isn't all that much fire in the game. I seldom, if ever, use fire protection scrolls or potions when fighting fire elementals. The ToB fire giants are a bigger threat but again, my weakling mage (Aerie, Immy, Edwin) need other enhancements more than fire protection.

Why not give each piece something extra like the ability to allow the wearer to shapechange into a fire salamander for one item; give another item the special ability to cast lesser spells like Fire Arrow, Burning Hands, Fireball, Agannazar's Scorcher, and Flame Strike once per day; on another item give it the ability to summon some fire elementals w/o having to dominate them first (say 3 per day) like druids can, on a forth item give it Incendiary Cloud and perhaps Sunfire casting ability once per day, and on the last item (the necklace) give it either a permanent Firesheild (Red) or a choice of a couple long lasting Fireshield (Red) or Fireshield (Blue). I would still keep the armor class bonus though. These abilities would free up spell slots so the mage could use them for other things. Besides many of these are fairly useless spells so I don't think it would be overpowering. Other fire theme related perks might be abilities to dominate fire elementals or give the belt some Fire giant strength bonus (maybe a +2 to strength). I would think a special fire related mage set like this should give the wearer the freakish abilities of an Ignus type character in Planescape Torment.

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 2:28 pm
by Vedran
Doesn't Fireshield basically give 50% FR?
I was planning to add permanent one, but then, it would be too strong. Really.

What about
Amulet: Dominate fire creature (Salamander, Elemental, Giant, Troll, Mephit)
Belt: Fireshield 2x/day
Gloves: Burning hands 2x/day
Robe: Shapeshift Fire Elemental 2x/day
Stone: Summon Fire Salamander 2x/day

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 11:48 am
by UncleScratchy
Originally posted by Vedran
Doesn't Fireshield basically give 50% FR?
I was planning to add permanent one, but then, it would be too strong. Really.

What about
Amulet: Dominate fire creature (Salamander, Elemental, Giant, Troll, Mephit)
Belt: Fireshield 2x/day
Gloves: Burning hands 2x/day
Robe: Shapeshift Fire Elemental 2x/day
Stone: Summon Fire Salamander 2x/day

Thats more like it. Though a lousy burning hands spell for the gloves is a bit underwhelming as oppossed to what you potentially give up (i.e. gloves of ogre power, bracers of weapons expertise, bracers of archery, bracers of defense +3 or +4, etc).

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 12:29 pm
by Vedran
I am not trying to make items superior to existing items in every possible way.

Burning hands are cast by gloves, see the link ;) ?