The Console Codes
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 8:10 pm
I realize that from time to time one's character can get stuck in a wall, door, post, etc., in the game play and thuis it is important to know the console code in order to fix the matter. So, I searched the net for console commands and the only problem that I ran into was that no two are written quite the same. Below are the various examples of how the Add Item gold one was written out. I went with the gold one for experiementation.
Example A: player->add item gold_100
Example B: 'player->AddItem Gold_100' [notice the single quotes and the capitalization of A,I, and G, plus Add and Item are one word]
Eample C: Same as "B" but with double quotes before player and after 100.
I got nowhere. I tried various combinations, various sums of gold. Zilch! I kept getting messages that such-and-such could not be found on line one, whatever that means. So could sombody PLEASE tell me the correct way a console command is written out. Use the Gold one because it has tried my patience! Thanks ahead of time.
Example A: player->add item gold_100
Example B: 'player->AddItem Gold_100' [notice the single quotes and the capitalization of A,I, and G, plus Add and Item are one word]
Eample C: Same as "B" but with double quotes before player and after 100.
I got nowhere. I tried various combinations, various sums of gold. Zilch! I kept getting messages that such-and-such could not be found on line one, whatever that means. So could sombody PLEASE tell me the correct way a console command is written out. Use the Gold one because it has tried my patience! Thanks ahead of time.