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Killing Bodhi in Chp. 2

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 1:32 am
by keeB
I really need some tips on killing bodhi in chapter 2. Here's my startegy so far.

I have minsc and keldorn up front, keldorn wielding the Mace of Disruption, and Minsc wielding Lilacor.

MY sorcerer is casting disintegrate, hold undead, and sunfire, jaheira is casting doom and melee-fighting, and aerie is casting Holy Smite

they all die, rather quickly. :x

im at lvl 11, 12, and 13.. ranged throughout the party.

i have:


Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 1:44 am
by keeB
right after i post, i always win the battle.

they key was, i was accidentally using the dragonslayer +3. and not the lilacor.. which seemed to make all of the difference.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:36 am
by VonDondu
Sunfire hurts everyone in the immediate vicinity except the person casting it, including members of your own party. So you might have injured your own party if they were in the area of effect.

If you're talking about the longsword named Dragonslayer, it's only a +2 weapon, not a +3 weapon. Bodhi can be hit only by +3 or better weapons, so that's why switching from Dragonslayer to Lilarcor makes a difference. Minsc should have been telling you, "Weapon has no effect? I need a bigger sword..."

I guess you don't have Carsomyr? If you can acquire it, it's a great weapon for Keldorn.

Bodhi has 75% magic resistance and she can't be disintegrated, so Disintegrate probably went to waste. She is also immune to Hold Undead and other spell effects like Stun, Charm, Confusion, Sleep, Panic, Petrification, Polymorph, Poison, etc. Cold and Electricity don't hurt her. The best way to hurt her is to use +3 or better weapons and fire damage spells. Sunfire would work if it didn't hurt your own party, but you should use spells like Flame Arrow and Flamestrike instead because they target individual enemies. Doom and Greater Malison will lower her saving throws, and Lower Resistance and Magic Resistance will lower her magic resistance.

Bodhi's attacks cause level drain (I think it's two levels per hit). She gets three attacks per round and she has a pretty good THAC0, so you really need to protect your frontline fighters against level drain. Jaheira can wear the Amulet of Power, and she and Aerie can cast Negative Plane Protection on Minsc and Keldorn.

It's great that you won the battle, but it's always good to learn new lessons. The monsters are going to get tougher and tougher as you progress. :)

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 11:33 am
by keeB
I have heard of negative plane protection, but never even used it. i know aerie is protected by it, heh.

As for enemies only being able to be hit by certain enchanted weapons, how do you figure that out? I'm very curious. I am such an RPG newb, i would really like to learn some of these things.

[EDIT] I am not in Brynnslaw, does that mean i cant get the Carsomyr now?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 12:05 pm
by VonDondu
Originally posted by keeB
IAs for enemies only being able to be hit by certain enchanted weapons, how do you figure that out?
Some of us know those things from playing D&D. You can also consult guides and forums like this one, or you can look at the game's resource files with a file viewer (which might be considered cheating). But inside the game, if you come across a monster you're not familiar with, you can learn about it by using trial and error. For example, your party members should tell you when their weapons are not effective. At that point, you should pause the game and try a different weapon, or scroll back and see if the monster was using some kind of protection spell like Stoneskin.

By the way, sometimes an item's title or description is misleading. That's because there are actually two factors to consider when you look at a magic weapon: the THAC0 bonus it gives you, and its "enchantment". For example, the upgraded Mace of Disruption +2 actually is considered to be a +5 weapon because of its enchantment, even though it only gives you a +2 THAC0 bonus. By the same token, even though Arrows of Piercing give you a +4 THAC0 bonus, they only have a +1 enchantment, so they can't hit a monster that requires a +2 or better weapon to hit. Sometimes item descriptions will tell you things like that, but if they don't, then they only way to find out is to look at the item with a resource viewer like ShadowKeeper or Infinity Explorer.
Originally posted by keeB
I am not in Brynnslaw, does that mean i cant get the Carsomyr now?
Carsomyr resides in Windspear Hills. I'm afraid you won't be able to get it until you get back to Athkatla.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 12:15 pm
by keeB
I was unable to locate windspear hills, because i wanted to help the druids escape irenicus' prison. It was not on my map, do i get a quest from Lord-- someone to go to windspear hills?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 12:36 pm
by VonDondu
Windspear Hills won't appear on your map until you get a quest to go there. You need to talk to Lord Jierden at the Copper Coronet. He's the guy who stands around saying, "I have an offer for you."

By the way, did you kill the Shadow Dragon?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 12:48 pm
by keeB
:) not yet. i havent tried. I was planning on doing so when i returned to athkatla.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 5:32 pm
by MitchMc
I have seem a few of your threads and you are very lucky to have VonDondu to answer your questions.

I understand that you don't "care" for walkthroughs but you are getting one via the posts. Cheek out a site like sorcerers they have lots of walkthroughs that are at different spoiler levels.

IMHO you party is light on fighters you have

You want to romance Jaherira, great keep her but you NEED but kickers, nalia is a sad thief……. Aerie is the least useful at this point, up around 2 500 000 she rocks

Just my two cents

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2003 2:20 am
by keeB
yeah, i am very fortunate for Von's help. i dont think ill be asking much anymore.. because as soon as i put it down.. and think about it, is when i retry and conquer. if you look at my planesphere troubles, i finished it just before von was helping me out.. same thing with bodhi :)

i do very much appreciate all the help i have gotten, however

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 7:24 pm
by ReignsOfPower
Get mage. Use mage on Minsc.
Get Minsc. Beserk Minsc. Run up to Bhodi with minsc. Attack Bhodi.

Get cleric. Go behind Minsc. heal minsc when needed.

Done. :D
Beserking will cancel any level draining minsc may get. If it wears off you can simply use Cleric to fix him up.

You can use your mage to act at a spell turret from behind the cleric too.

I did this every time i played throught the game. Its wasn't the BEST stategy but it works. ;)

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 1:15 pm
by Screaming Johny
Slight spoiler.

I have tried several methods - some work, some don't. The one I use the most is:
-hide at the entrance to the hallway between the 2 coffins
-spike the last vamp with a different character
-after Bhodi's dialogue backstab*5 with Celestial Fury for 100+ points of damage.
-Usually she immediately tells me "it's been fun but shes gotta run." (Coward).

By the way, you can't fight Bhodi until chapter 3.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 6:32 pm
by VonDondu

Bodhi can't be killed in Chapter Three. When you get her down to 1 hit point, she stops taking damage. She's supposed to talk to you and then leave, like Screaming Johny said. However, if your main character uses a Scroll of Protection Against Undead, Bodhi won't be able to talk to you until it wears off. The result is, she'll just stand there for several minutes while you hit her. It's actually pretty fun. :)