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End Of Main Quest? (spoilers)

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 5:30 pm
by humanflyz
Ok, after I killed Dagoth Ur and talked with Azura and Vivec, does the game end there? Or is there some other quests that are linked to the main quest. I understand that you could still play the game after the main quest is done, but I don't know when it actually ends. So could anyone tell me when does the main quest end?

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 8:02 pm
by Zelgadis
Well, you can still hunt down some of the sixth house strongholds, but I would say it ends with talking to vivec.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 6:45 pm
by j0ckser
Originally posted by Zelgadis
Well, you can still hunt down some of the sixth house strongholds, but I would say it ends with talking to vivec.

Sorry Z, but not even close. Unless, of course, you have done ALL the Faction and ALL the Miscellaneous Quests, and looted ALL the tombs and ALL the caves.

Then, once you have played it through once, you'll really know what to do, and you can do a decent job of playing it through again, perhaps with a few enhancement mods to improve game play.

Then you'll be ready for Tribunal AND Bloodmoon AND Firemoth AND Tamriel Rebuilt.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 10:46 pm
by UncleScratchy
There are some quests that you can only get once Dagoth Ur is dead. One such quest is for Trebonius of the Mage Guild and another set is for the Morag Tong (a number of special sanctioned assassinations). I've killed Dagoth in my current game and haven't even joined the Imperial Legion as of yet.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 11:16 pm
by Zelgadis
Originally posted by j0ckser
Sorry Z, but not even close. Unless, of course, you have done ALL the Faction and ALL the Miscellaneous Quests, and looted ALL the tombs and ALL the caves.

? I know the game isn't over, but the the main quest and storyline is. The faction and misc quests aren't part of the main quest.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2003 7:40 am
by j0ckser
Originally posted by Zelgadis
? I know the game isn't over, but the the main quest and storyline is. The faction and misc quests aren't part of the main quest.

Sorry, Z. I misread the query. Yes, the main quest ends with your discussion with Vivec. The game will never end as long as modders come up with decent plugins.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 8:02 pm
by jayc15
main part ends but what about.....

i got a funny question on this one,

when i talk to vivec after killin dagoth, He says somethin bout taking the role of protecter of morrowind and killin the rest of the blighted creatures....thats not part of, say, the epilogue? or is there gonna be another 'morrowind' where say dagoth comes back,etc,etc?
srry, but i get pretty finatical bout role-playing games so bear wit me.

P.S. what game takes place after Morrowind?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2003 5:28 pm
by rnrules
Well as for killing all the blighted creatures..... that would take a long time since they respawn and all.... what comes after morrowind? Tribunal and Bloodmoon? I don't know maybe they're going to continue the series...